- sorcerer's dance in a trance;Lamaist devil dance

(1) [sorcerer's dance in a trance]∶一种封建迷信活动,神汉或巫婆装作鬼神附体而乱舞乱说,据说能驱邪医病
(2) [Lamaist devil dance;ceremonial dance performed by the Lamaists in exorcism]∶见跳布札
On art characteristics presented by Manchurian Saman 's dances to their God
Saman dances to god is the complex of folk custom , religion and art .
It has the god dance , sorcery dance , Bawangbian , singing songs on the God Ben .
Anshun local drama , also known as Tiaoshen ( dancing to the god ), is popular in Anshun , Anhui Province .
From History Disenchantment to Deity Enchantment & On " Sorcerer s Dance " in the Northeast Authors Novels ; Generic Cladistic Analysis of Encyrtidae in Northeastern China
Study of Saman 's Elegiac Address of the Man ── Tongusi branch Saman dances to god is the complex of folk custom , religion and art .
For example , they use the melodious and slow music of the Skillful Sorcerer 's Dance to match their weapons , which show the heavy mysterious flavor .
The shaman 's dance Ceremony of Helping the Sun in a trance of the Oroqen nationality is a typical witchcraft : the bonfire and the circling dance can be used to symbolize the rising sun and brilliant light .