- 网络off-trap

[jumping pit] 跳高、跳远或撑竿跳等比赛项目所用的着地的地方∶是一个装满锯末或松软砂土的坑,用来缓和着地的冲力
Several kinds of quasi-sociological off-trap strategies is improved with the intelligence from the human society .
In the search process , Off-trap strategies are used to jump from local optimal solution and guide the search in promising directions .
A jumping strategy is proposed to jump from local optimal solution and guide the search in promising directions .
And a kind of bran-new density diffusing quasi-physical off-trap strategies is designed by the inspiration from the gas self-diffusion phenomenon in nature .
Using a new neighborhood structure and partly randomized off-trap strategy , a novel local search algorithm for protein structure prediction is proposed .
" Single machine scheduling " method and another stochastic strategy used for jumping out of entrapments can help search find improved local optima .
On feature selection and calculation of feature weight in measurement of similarity , the feature weight is calculated by the particle swarm optimization algorithm which includes a kind of off-trap strategy .
Then solved the 3D arithmetic model , chiefly discussed three aspects : the selection about initialization of Protein structure , the calculation of the best structure on local position , the jumping strategy .