
  • 网络Road Feeling;Road feel
  1. 基于混合H2/H∞控制的电动助力系统转向路感

    Road Feeling of Electric Power Steering System Based on Mixed H_2 / H_ ∞ Control

  2. 分析了现有的计算目标电流PD控制策略和PD控制策略下影响驾驶员路感的因素。

    PD control strategy and the factors influencing the driver 's road feeling are discussed .

  3. 仿真和试验结果说明:采用模糊神经网络结合PID控制的电动助力转向系统对提高汽车转向的轻便性和灵敏性有显著作用,且保证驾驶员在不同行驶车速下均能获得良好的路感。

    The result of simulation and test proves that the EPS with FNN & PID controller can improve the portability and sensitiveness , and keep good road-feel of driver at different speed .

  4. 首先利用ADAMS软件建立了分析电动助力转向系统的整车动力学仿真模型,然后系统分析了助力特性曲线的特征形式对转向轻便性和路感的影响。

    At first , the vehicle dynamic simulation model for analysis of the electric steering system of a car is created by ADAMS software . And then , assist characteristics 's influence on the steering portability and road feel is investigated systematically in the paper .

  5. 汽车电动式动力转向系统转向路感研究

    Study of the steering feel of electric power steering system of automobile

  6. 汽车电动助力转向系统路感特性分析

    Road Feel Characteristics Analysis of Electric Power Steering System

  7. 与传统转向系统相比,具有节约能源,良好路感等优势。

    Compared with the traditional steering system with saving energy , good sense and so on .

  8. 他已经出过这么多次事故是不足为奇的,他没有路感。

    It 's not surprising he 's had so many accidents , he 's got no road sense .

  9. 通过对方向盘回正力矩的建模,模拟生成了为驾驶员提供路感的方向盘回正力矩;

    The return moment of steering wheel was yeilded to provide road feeling for drivers by means of modeling .

  10. 最终根据路感评价的5个指标确定各个函数中的参数。

    On the basis of the five indicators of Road-feeling Evaluation , the parameters of road-feeling planning function are confirmed .

  11. 设计了路感电机和永磁无刷直流电机的控制方法和驱动控制电路。

    I choose to use a permanent magnet brushless DC motor as the road feeling motor and steering implementation motor .

  12. 理想路感方案充分发挥线控转向系统的优势,从操纵力和方向盘转角两方面对路感进行设计。

    The ideal road feelings scheme , designed from operating force and the steering wheel angle , took the advantages of the steering-by-wire system .

  13. 在电动转向系统设计中辅助转向传动机构方案的选型对转向性能如转向灵敏性和转向路感等有很大的影响。

    During design of EPS , the choice of assisting mechanism has great effect on steering performances such as steering sensitivity and steering feeling .

  14. 以台架为原型建立了方向盘和转向轴的模型、路感电机的模型,对模型进行拉普拉斯变换,整理得到整个系统的控制问题。

    The steering shaft and road-feeling motor are modeled . Laplace transform of the model , make out the control problem of the whole system .

  15. 将设计开发的电动助力转向控制系统装车进行道路试验表明,该控制策略能有效地提高转向的轻便性及转向回正性能,驾驶员路感良好。

    The results of road tests show that the control algorithms can improve the steering easiness , steering return performance and have good road feel for driver .

  16. 在此基础上,建立了其稳定性准则为约束条件,并以转向高速路感为目标函数的优化动力学模型,并得出了优化结果。

    On that basis , the dynamic model of the optimization which contains the constraint of the stability criteria and the objective function of the high-speed road sense are established .

  17. 为改善汽车转向轻便性和路感的问题,设计了以转向盘转矩为控制目标的电动助力转向系统。

    To improve the steering easiness and road feel of the vehicle , an electric power steering ( EPS ) system with the steering torque as the control target was developed .

  18. 最后在满足稳定性准则约束条件和最大化目标函数&转向路感的基础上,建立了电动助力转向系统参数的优化设计模型,并给出了算例。

    Finally , based on the restrictions of stability criterion and maximize the object function of steering feel , an optimization model of EPAS system was built and an example was presented .

  19. 在对系统模型研究的基础上,分析了线控转向的操纵路感及前轮转角控制算法,通过横摆角速度和侧向加速度反馈控制,提高了汽车的稳定性。

    Base on the research of system model , we analyse the control drive feel and control arithmetic for front wheel steering of steer-by wire system , improve vehicle stability through signal feedback control .

  20. 最后通过仿真与经验路感比较,验证路感规划的合理性。最后,进行仿真和实验,对路感规划和力反馈控制算法进行验证。

    Finally , by the simulation and compared with the experience of road-feeling , the rationality of road-feeling planning function is confirmed . Finally , simulation and test , to validate road-feeling planning function and torque feedback control arithmetic .

  21. 转向系统的高性能化是指其能够根据车辆的运行状况和驾驶员的要求实行多目标控制,以获得良好的转向轻便性、较好的路感、较高的抗干扰能力和较快的响应性。

    To make the steering system high performance is that the system can carry out multi-goals control according to the vehicle states and driver requirements to acquire the steering handiness , better road feeling , better anti-interfering performance and faster response .

  22. 仿真结果表明:所设计的助力特性较好地协调了转向轻便性和路感之间的矛盾,同时,电动机实际电流较好地跟踪了目标电流,从而验证了控制策略的有效性。

    The simulation results show that the designed assistance characteristic alleviates the contradiction between the steering agility and the road feel , and the actual current of the motor follows precisely the target current , proving the validity of the control strategy .

  23. 其仿真结果表明,该方案能实现路感低速时轻便灵敏,高速时清晰稳定,从根本上解决了传统转向系统轻和灵的矛盾。

    The simulation results showed that it meted the need of the light and sensitive steering when low speed and clear and stable steering when high speed . It solved the contradictions about " light " and " Sensitive " in traditional steering system .

  24. 谈到这次旅行,他说:"我从小就对丝绸之路很感兴趣,但现在终于有机会体验了。"

    Speaking of his journey , he says : " I have been deeply interested in the Silk Road since I was a child , but now I finally have a chance to experience it . "

  25. 研究显示,女性在寻路和空间感认知方面的表现要比男性差。

    Research has revealed that women perform poorly in tasks involving navigation and spatial awareness when compared to men .

  26. 结论原发性膀胱输尿管反流是小儿尿路感染的易感因素之一。

    Conclusion Primary vesicoureteric reflux is one of the predisposing factor in childhood urinary tract infection .