
  1. 我只在特别的场合下才使用它,所以它跟新的一样。

    I only ever use that on special occasions so it 's as good as new

  2. 跟新了TODO部分。展示下个重要版本(0.51)中的进展。

    Updated the TODO section to reflect the current progress with the next major version of Aspell ( 0.51 ) .

  3. 跟新室友见面前,她有点儿紧张。

    She 's a little nervous about meeting her new roommate .

  4. 这可以跟新购买的电脑磁盘相比较。

    It would be comparable to buying a new computer disk .

  5. 你现在是跟新一届舞会皇后走在一起。

    You are now walking with the new homecoming queen .

  6. 他把他的车擦得跟新的一样。

    He polished his car till it looked like new .

  7. 跟新来的小朋友之间有些不愉快?

    Got an issue with our little friend over there ?

  8. 跟新的一样,还没有蝴蝶结。

    They 're as good as new and no bows .

  9. 经修葺后,这庙几乎是跟新盖的一样。

    After renovation the temple looks as good as new .

  10. 你跟新上司处的如何?

    eg. How are you doing with your new boss ?

  11. 好的,我肯定把房子打扫得跟新的似的。

    OK , I will make the house as clean as new .

  12. 看看这档子板又跟新的一样了

    Look at that fretboard , man . As good as new .

  13. 还有,这是你跟新老师说话的态度吗?

    Besides , is that any way to talk to your new teacher ?

  14. 我跟新上任的经理相处很好。

    I get along great with the new manager .

  15. 可爱的高踢腿熊猫在续集里必须跟新的邪恶作斗争。

    The lovable high kicking Panda must battle a new evil in the sequel .

  16. 你跟新来的小子聊过了吗?

    Did you talk to the new boys ?

  17. 跟新同事交往的机会。

    An opportunity to socialize with new colleagues .

  18. 珍妮弗:我今晚要跟新认识的男生去吃晚饭。

    Jennifer : I 'm going out to dinner tonight with a new guy .

  19. 真的?看起来跟新的一样。

    Really ? It almost looks brand new .

  20. 它们在这儿,跟新的一样好。

    Here they are , good as new .

  21. 好啦骨头过几周就长好了跟新的一样

    OK . That bone will be good as new in a few weeks .

  22. 他喜欢跟新来的人搭讪。

    He likes chatting up the newcomers .

  23. 托列斯海峡把巴布亚岛(又名新几内亚岛),跟新荷兰岛分开了。

    It separates Queensland from the huge island of Papua , also called New Guinea .

  24. 如果照你跟新爸爸说的,住在庇护所里。

    If you were living at the shelter , like you told your new daddy .

  25. 我们发现,要让我们现有系统跟新供应商的系统通信还真不是件易事

    We find it really difficult to get our existing systems to communicate with new supplier systems

  26. 所以十九年过去了,我的刀仍然跟新磨过的一样。

    So after nineteen years , my knife is as fresh as was just from the grindstone .

  27. 经过精心粉刷,属于我叔叔的那所房子看上去跟新的一样。

    Having been well painted , the house belonging to my uncle looks as good as new .

  28. 但我还是有自己的书和留声机唱片,我好爱惜这些东西,把它们保存得跟新的似的。

    But the books and gramophone records I had , I loved them and kept them pristine .

  29. 姐现在要到后面去跟新玩具好好玩玩

    So , I 'm going to be in the back playing with my new little toy .

  30. 特点是节省内存,跟新速度快,统计帧数多。

    Characteristic is to save memory , with the new speed , count the number of frames much .