
yuè quán
  • ultra vires;overstep;exceed one's power or authority;act beyond one's authority
越权 [yuè quán]
  • [act beyond ones authority] 超越权限或权力范围

越权[yuè quán]
  1. 经理越权代表行为的法律后果与责任

    On the legal effect and liability of the ultra vires act of manager

  2. 论越权代表行为的法律效力

    On the legal validity of the ultra vires act

  3. 该委员会对认为其越权的指责颇为敏感。

    The Commission is sensitive to accusations that it is overstepping its authority

  4. 大会越权作出变更。

    The assembly arrogated to itself the right to make changes

  5. 如果我命令停止游行,我就越权了。

    I would be exceeding my powers if I ordered the march to be halted .

  6. 决定权在他那儿,我不能越权而为之。

    The decision is in the hand of him ; I couldn 't do the things beyond my power .

  7. NET的表单认证技术和授权技术进行系统的安全性设计,防止非法访问和越权操作。

    NET is applied to avoid illegal access and unauthorized operation .

  8. 基于SGI服务器的Web平台越权访问技术的研究

    Research on Exceed Authority Access Technology Based on Web System of SGI Server

  9. 最近他曾公开反对欧洲央行(ecb)越权行为。

    This week he publicly warned against the ECB exceeding its mandate .

  10. 但由于WLAN采用公共的电磁波作为载体,因此对越权存取和窃听的行为也更不容易防范。

    But WLAN 's carrier is the public electromagnetic wave , so defend the eavesdropping and unauthorized acess are harder .

  11. 安全技术决定了MobileAgent的实用性,其主要解决的问题是防范恶意MobileAgent的重复攻击和越权攻击。

    The security technology decides the realization of the mobile agent . The primary problem solved by this paper is to prevent replay attacks and acts beyond its authorities of malicious mobile agent .

  12. 从IIS的安全设置和ASP的编程措施两个方面阐述了防止非法用户越权访问Web应用程序,提供了构造安全Web站点的一些方法。

    Base on IIS security options and ASP programming , this article discusses how to prevent web users from unauthorized access . Several methods to construct a safe web site have been presented .

  13. 但随之而来的网络安全问题也越来越突出,密码泄露,越权操作、数据窃取和破坏、IP欺骗、病毒攻击等等。

    With the network used more and more widely , the safety problem has become more and more outstanding , such as the password disclosure , ultravires operation , data theft and breach , the IP cheat , virus attack etc. .

  14. CICIG所管的领域宽泛,这让它介入很多在批评者看来是越权的案子。

    CICIG 's broad remit has led it into cases where its critics say it has no business .

  15. 在美国财长杰克•卢(JackLew)委托发布的一份白皮书中,美方谈到了关于欧方责任追究机制的敏感问题,暗示领导此次调查的欧盟有关部门的法律行动相当于越权。

    In a white paper commissioned by Treasury secretary Jack Lew , the US touched on sensitivities over Brussels " accountability by suggesting that the legal approach of the directorate leading the probe amounted to a power grab .

  16. 政治对手们指责拉加德在2007年越权解决法国政府与伯纳德塔皮埃(bernardtapie)之间长达15年之久的法律纠纷。

    Political opponents accuse the Minister of overstepping her authority when in 2007 she moved to end 15 years of legal wrangling between the French state and Bernard Tapie .

  17. DMIS的权限管理防止用户越权操作,本地用户只能实现本地访问,全局用户能够操作整个数据库网络的数据信息,实现了全局信息交流。

    Privilege management in DMIS ensure prevent user from over-privilege manipulation , local user can only access local server , meanwhile global user can access and deal with information in whole database network to improve global information communication .

  18. 论行政越权及其法律后果

    On Administrative Subject Overstepping the Authority and Its Legal Consequence

  19. 制止期刊评定中的越权行为

    Curbing the actions in excess of authority in periodical evaluation

  20. 信息安全很重要的一点就是对关键信息的访问进行控制,访问控制是针对越权使用资源的防御措施。

    Access control is also a very important content of information security .

  21. 法官越权对上诉法院进行批评。

    The judge exceeded his powers in criticizing a court of appeal .

  22. 如果你觉得我没越权的话。

    You tell me if I 'm overstepping my bounds .

  23. 大陆法系国家中法国越权之诉、德国团体诉讼与日本民众之诉发展也比较完善。

    It developed in the Continental law system and common law system countries .

  24. 对行政越权的救济应当从抽象行政行为越权与具体行政行为越权两个方面进行。

    Exceeding powers in administration should be redressed by abstract and concrete ways .

  25. 超越职权范围做某事(越权)

    Go beyond one 's duty in doing sth.

  26. 论企业法人越权与法定代表人越权

    On Ultra Vires Act of Enterprise as Legal Person and that of Legal Representative

  27. 法人越权行为效力之确定

    On Conduct Efficacy of Corporation Exceeding Its Instructions

  28. 大家都知道她越权。

    She is known for overreaching her authority .

  29. 越权,做出越权行为所以请不要越权要求管理者关闭主题。

    So please do not exceed authority to request the superintendent to close the subject .

  30. 论公司越权行为原则

    On Principle of Exceeding Company 's Authority