
  • 网络Super Typhoon;SuperTY;Super TY
  1. 西北太平洋超强台风活动特征及其与ENSO的关系

    Characteristics of Super Typhoon Activity over Western North Pacific and Its Relationship with ENSO

  2. 浙江沿海超强台风风暴潮灾害的影响及其对策

    Study on the calamity and counter-measure of the super typhoon storm surge along the Zhejiang coastal area

  3. 周日,日本冲绳也遭遇了超强台风“黄蜂”(Vongfong)的袭击。

    The Japanese island of Okinawa was also hit by a powerful typhoon , Vongfong , on Sunday .

  4. 加强超强台风研究,进一步完善防台风预案。

    Finally further improve typhoon prevention plans and flood prevention studies .

  5. 地形对超强台风罗莎降水影响的初步分析

    A Study of the Impact of Terrain on the Precipitation of " KROSA "

  6. 超强台风罗莎和韦帕大风过程对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of High Wind Processes in Super Typhoon " Krosa " and " Wipha "

  7. 昨天,省、市气象部门发布了超强台风“梅花”的消息。

    Yesterday , Zhejiang provincial and Hangzhou municipal meteorological departments issued news of super typhoon " Plum " .

  8. 超强台风尼伯特星期五在台湾东海岸登陆,造成至少两人丧生,66人受伤。

    At least two people are dead and 66 others injured after super typhoon Nepartak slammed into Taiwan 's eastern coast Friday .

  9. 今年第15号超强台风“蔷薇”来势汹汹,逐渐向闽浙沿海一带逼近。

    This year the15th ultra strong typhoon " wild rose " threatening , approaches gradually to the Fujian and Zhejiang coast area .

  10. 商业语境下的主旋律电影&《超强台风》与好莱坞灾难片的比较分析

    The Main-melody Movies in the Context of Business & The Comparison between " Super Severe Typhoon " and the Disaster Films of Hollywood

  11. 地震、热浪、洪涝、火山爆发、超强台风、暴风雪、泥石流,干旱致使全球至少有25万人丧生。

    Earthquakes , heat waves , floods , volcanoes , super typhoons , snow storms , landslides and droughts killed at least 250,000 people , globally .

  12. 风速增强到每小时155英里后,周五立刻在缅甸西部登陆,使风暴相当于一个超强台风,美国有线新闻网气象学家报告。

    Giri made landfall Friday in western Myanmar immediately after winds strengthened to155 mph , making the storm equal to a super typhoon , CNN meteorologists reported .

  13. 对于超强台风凡亚比登陆过程,融合降水能较好再现登陆前、中、后不同时间的降水精细结构,对于定量监测降水过程具有优势。

    The merged product have a definite advantage in the quantitatively rainfall monitoring , can show the rainfall structure of super typhoon " FANAPI " of different landing process .

  14. 风暴潮中风与水位非线性作用效应研究浙江沿海超强台风风暴潮灾害的影响及其对策

    Research on the Effects of Nonlinear Interaction between Astronomical Tides and Storm Surges Study on the calamity and counter-measure of the super typhoon storm surge along the Zhejiang coastal area

  15. 结果表明:西太平洋和南海上空暖高的维持是“鲇鱼”发展为超强台风的一个动力因素。

    The result showed that the maintenance of warm high over western pacific and South China Sea was one of the dynamic factors for Megi to developing into super strong typhoon .

  16. 静力分析计算后,利用回归的海洋环境载荷对平台进行倒塌分析,求得平台的极限承载力,评估平台在超强台风下的安全性与可靠性。

    After static analysis , do a pushover analysis using the regression marine environment loads . Calculated ultimate bearing capacity of the platform , and then evaluate the safety and reliability of the platform under the super typhoon .

  17. 据美联社报道,被称为史上最猛烈的热带气旋-超强台风海燕席卷了菲律宾东部,于周五早晨登陆小镇基万。

    Super Typhoon Haiyan which is being called one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever has slammed into the eastern Philippines , making landfall early Friday morning local time in the small city of Guiuan , according to the Associated Press .