
qǐ shǐ wèi
  • start bit
  1. 串口通讯以起始位开始,以终止位结束。

    Communication frames begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit .

  2. 打开玻璃至通风口位置。串口通讯以起始位开始,以终止位结束。

    Open glass to vent position . Communication frames begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit .

  3. MCU接收GPS的ASSIC字符进入中断程序,然后判断数据起始位再送显示缓存。

    The ASCII characters received by MCU from REB-12R was sent into the interrupt service program and started bit of data was judged and then inputted into the displaying buffers of LCD .

  4. 他从这个卑微的起点开始,终于爬上很高的地位。串口通讯以起始位开始,以终止位结束。

    From this humble beginning he climbed to a position at the very top Communication frames begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit .

  5. 发送模块在内部有限状态机的控制下将并行数据串行发出,并在发送数据的两端添加起始位、校验位和停止位。

    A internal finite state machine controls the parallel – to-serial data transmitting process of transmitter module . The start bit , parity bit and stop bit are automatic added without user intervention .

  6. 通过改变写入条件,控制两次曝光量、光纤拉伸大小和起始位相差等参数,可以调整π相移点的位置,制作出符合要求的相移光纤光栅。

    Phase shifted fiber Bragg grating with required characteristics could be made by controlling the positions of the phase shift points , which were realized by adjusting the exposure dose , stretch amount of the fiber , and displacement of the two gratings .

  7. 结果显示花原基分化和开花的起始节位是第一真叶节;

    The results showed that the differentiation of floral primordium and flower firstly occurred at the axil of the first leaf .

  8. 近年来动物实验证明纤维化的起始靶位在肺泡腔,肺泡炎是肺纤维化的起始阶段,而趋化因子的激活是肺泡炎形成的重要起始环节。

    It has been proved that the initiation position of pulmonary fibrosis ( PF ) is in the alveolus and the original stage is alveolitis , the important link of alveolitis is to activate of the chemotactic factors .

  9. 系统地研究了影响树枝状纳米材料形貌形成的影响因素,如反应物的起始量、配位试剂、表面活性剂、沉积电流或电压等并调查了产物形貌的演化过程。

    Some factors affecting the formation of dendritic micro - / nano-structures , such as the initial amount of reactants , complexing agents , surfactants , deposition current or voltage , were systematically investigated . The time-dependent shape-evolution process of the products was observed .