
  1. 为你走走停停,最后还是没等到你这片风景。

    As you walk , finally or not until you this scenery .

  2. 它曲曲折折,走走停停,踟蹰了18年。

    It is winding , walking and stopping , has hesitated for18 years .

  3. 一个人吃饭,旅行,到处走走停停;

    All alone I keep in walking around for trying all the foods .

  4. 而在地中海以及中东欧,事情就走走停停。

    In the Mediterranean and Central-Eastern europe , it was a stop-start affair .

  5. 人们来来往往,走走停停,又接着前进。

    People come and go and walk away .

  6. 我的手表走走停停。

    My watch goes by fits and starts .

  7. 近年印度有过一些开放国内行业(从零售业到保险业)的走走停停的尝试。

    There have been stop-start attempts to open up industries from retail to insurance .

  8. 客车在市区走走停停,也让我得以短暂欣赏潍坊的风景。

    Stop-and-go city driving offered me the greatest opportunity to enjoy scenery of Weifang briefly .

  9. 走走停停。我所拥有的,只是一部相机,和一颗生活在路上的心。

    You may say I 'm a dreamer , but I 'm not the only one .

  10. 走走停停的日本经济及其前景

    Stagnated Japanese Economy and its Prospect

  11. 思绪就如同一片慵懒的云,走走停停,慢悠悠地在青岛人才网闲适的日光里漂浮着游荡着。

    Mind is like a lazy clouds , stop-and-go , slowly in the quiet solar floating around .

  12. 我远远跟在父亲后面,看着他走走停停,以便积蓄一点力气。

    I followed far behind him , saw him walking and taking a rest to recollect some strength .

  13. 他们停止围困而撤走。而在地中海以及中东欧,事情就走走停停。

    They rose from a siege . In the Mediterranean and central-eastern Europe , it was a stop-start affair .

  14. 高怠速越来越频繁地出现,导致小黄在陷入走走停停的交通状况时温度过热。

    The high-idle is recurring more frequently and causing Miss Daisy to overheat when I 'm stuck in stop-and-go traffic .

  15. 而在地中海以及中东欧,事情就走走停停。他不停地走来走去。

    In the Mediterranean and central-eastern Europe , it was a stop-start affair . he still paced to and fro ;

  16. 根据监控录像显示,这两辆车大约在路上逗留了20分钟,一路上不断转弯,走走停停,就是为了看杨的笑话。

    Surveillance video shows cars swerving around the slow march of shame for 20 minutes that intended to embarrass Yang .

  17. 它们在你的野餐上来来回回,在你的门廊上走走停停。看呐,有一只正从你的腿上爬过。

    They 're at your picnics , on your porch , why there 's one crawling up your leg right now .

  18. 总是走走停停,观望着、徘徊着、找寻着、用自己特定的手势去触摸感知周围的世界。

    He always stops and starts , looking around , wandering , searching , and feeling the surrounding by his particular gestures .

  19. 这些车可以在走走停停的路况中安全行驶,但司机还是需要把手一直放在方向盘上。

    Those cars will drive safely in stop-and-go traffic , but will require that drivers keep their hands on the steering wheel .

  20. 市区走走停停的行驶方式是使用制动能量再生的最佳时机,这个过程在乡村山坡行驶时也会发生。

    Stop-and-go city driving offers the greatest opportunity for braking energy regeneration , but the process also transpires while riding up and down hilly country .

  21. 首先,群体运行得很顺畅,随着越来越多的人加入进来,人群开始走走停停,甚至有时变得极度混乱。

    At first , a crowd flows smoothly . Then , as more people are added , it begins to show stop-and-go patterns and sometimes extreme crushing .

  22. 美国房价二次探底,尽失经济衰退过后的全部涨幅,并可能导致走走停停的经济复苏偏离轨道。

    US house prices are in a double dip that has erased all of their bounce since the recession and threatens to derail a stuttering economic recovery .

  23. 他们还迫不及待地指出,尽管技术能减轻走走停停状态中的单调乏味,同时提高安全性,但司机“决不能”完全放弃操控。

    They were quick to point out that while the technology could relieve the monotony and improve safety in stop-and-go driving , the driver " must not " relinquish control entirely .

  24. 一个人走走停停,心神不宁,也不知要去哪里,最后就在一处街心公园的长凳上坐了。

    A person walks to stop , mind not rather , also not know to want where , the end sat in seat of honor in the long Deng of a street heart park .

  25. 据目击这位幸运的新郎的人称,在当天晚上9点15分左右,他们看到这位姓杨的新郎双手被绳子捆在背后,由另一名男子拉着在重庆街道上走走停停。

    Witnesses reported seeing the lucky groom , surnamed Yang , walking along a Chong-qing street around 9:15 pm with his hands tied behind his back as a man led him by a rope .

  26. 那人好象是个男子,他在瓜田里的玻璃罩子中间走来走去,走走停停,时而弯下腰去,继又立起再走,仿佛他在田里拖着或撒播着什么似的。

    A being resembling a man was walking amid the bell-glasses of the melon beds , rising , stooping , halting , with regular movements , as though he were dragging or spreading out something on the ground .

  27. 我们开车穿过木兰树点缀的阿肯色河峡谷,进入沃希托山脉,一路走走停停,有时停在观景台,有时下车看看乡村商店,比尔借此机会让我认识他喜欢的人与景点。

    We made our way through the Arkansas River Valley with its low-slung magnolia trees , and into the Ouachita Mountains , stopping at overlooks and dropping by country stores so Bill could introduce me to the people and places he loved .

  28. 业余时间我喜欢端着我的相机到处走走,停停,拍拍。

    In my spare time , I like to carry my camera around , stopped , clap .