
  1. 大约在那个时候,困扰他的疾病的最初症状出现了:刺痛、手指脚趾麻木,后来发展到上下台阶或走坡路时失去平衡。

    It was around this time that the first symptoms of the malady that was to dog him appeared : tingling , then numbness in his fingers and toes ;

  2. 于是他们怀着忐忑不安的心情,穿过山楂丛,走下山坡

    With beating hearts , they descended through the hawthorns .

  3. 我们慢而稳地走下山坡。

    Slowly but surely we made our way down the hillside .

  4. 走上山坡使祖父感到疲惫了。

    Walking up hill wearied grandfather .

  5. 于是我们走下山坡,进入了荒原,开始踏上了向东面边缘前进的疲劳而迂回的旅途。

    We went down accordingly into the waste , and began to make our tiresome and devious travel towards the eastern verge .

  6. 桑姆拉了拉他的缰绳,大灰马开始走下山坡,月亮和百万颗星星成为他们在路上的照明灯。

    Slim snapped his reins . Dusty started down the rise . Their way was lit by a nearly full moon and a million stars .

  7. 苔丝没有休息,一口气走完了这道坡上还没有走完的路,到了山崖的边上,她向前面那个她所熟悉的绿色世界望去,只见它在雾霭中半隐半现。

    Tess went up the remainder of its length without stopping , and on reaching the edge of the escarpment gazed over the familiar green world beyond , now half-veiled in mist .

  8. 它终于走了,走下山坡,沿着那条小径走上去。

    Well , he finally went his way , down the hill and up the deer trail .