
  • 网络certification;Qualification
  1. 通过防腐蚀施工资质认证看防腐蚀企业的发展

    China Anticorrosion Construction Certification Authentication and the Development Trend of Chinese Anticorrosion Enterprises

  2. 本公司已通过国家资质认证,是殡葬协会会员单位。

    Our company has passed the state certification , a member of China Funeral Association .

  3. 分析人士称,FDA最终将被迫对电子烟工厂和制造标准进行资质认证。

    Eventually , analysts say , the F.D.A. could be compelled to certify e-cigarette factories and the manufacturing standards .

  4. 工程造价专业方向的本科教育与资质认证体系的比较研究

    The comparison research on undergraduate education and qualification identification in costs of buildings

  5. 对实施教师教育机构资质认证和评价的思考

    A Consideration on Implementing Attestation and Evaluation of Teacher Educational Institutions ' Qualifications

  6. 结果通过事前资质认证监管,把好市场准入关;

    Results By certifying qualification in advance , to control the market access ;

  7. 资质认证考试制度与工程管理专业本科培养方案研究

    Study on Vocational Qualification Exams ' System and Undergraduate Train Scheme of Engineering Management Speciality

  8. 进入这个行业需要通过政府的安全资质认证。

    The safety certification from the government is required if one wants to enter into this trade .

  9. 分析我国计算机信息系统集成资质认证的特点、作用和存在弊端。

    In this paper , the position and function of the qualification certification is presented and analysed in detail .

  10. 为烟草企业有效地实施资质认证采购模式提供理论和方法上的指导。

    Its intention is to offer direction of theory and method for tobacco enterprise implementing effectively qualification certification procurement mode .

  11. 展装资质认证:走近你发现,催化剂处理对反应的影响与硅粉的规格等因素有关。

    It was found that the effect of the treatment of catalysts had close relation with the specification of silicon powder .

  12. 一旦使用收入共享,就没有资质认证去让一个运发动可以失掉收入共享。

    Once on revenue share , there is no qualification criterion in order to be able to receive revenue share for a player .

  13. 按照需求完成了系统集成资质认证审核的流程,满足了日常工作开展的需要。

    Completed in accordance with demand System Integration Qualification Certification audit process , to meet the daily needs of the work carried out .

  14. 本文就疾控机构在资质认证和质量体系换版过程中建立质量体系的实践总结了若干体会。

    This paper summarizes practice experiences of Center of Diseases Control agency in aptitude authentication and establishing quality sys-tem during changing the quality system .

  15. 提供经营、办公、会议、洽谈场地租赁服务;代办工商注册、税务登记等手续,协助企业取得高新技术资质认证。

    To provide various office facilities including multi-functional conferencing room , VIP room , to provide one-stop service for business administration and tax registration .

  16. 关于法科生毕业后就业情况如何,具有法学院资质认证权的美国律师协会也要求增大透明度。

    The American Bar Association , which accredits the law schools , is also calling for greater openness on how graduates fare after leaving college .

  17. 鼓励服务外包企业取得国际资质认证,扩大国际资质认证资金支持范围。

    We shall encourage service outsourcing enterprises to acquire international qualification certification , and expand the scope of support of the international qualification certification funds .

  18. 服务中心:为社会和企业提供设备评估、工程监理、设备维修和改造、人员培训和企业资质认证等服务。

    Service center : afford the services of equipments evaluation , project supervision , equipment maintenance and alteration , employee training and the authentication of enterprises .

  19. 课程包括英语、数学、管理等。完成课程后,学员将会获得资质认证或者学位。

    Employees are eligible for courses such as English , math and management , and will be awarded with either a certificate or a degree on completion .

  20. 职业病危害因素检测、评价由依法设立的取得省级以上人民政府卫生行政部门资质认证的职业卫生技术服务机构进行。

    The test and assessment of occupational-disease-inductive factors should be undertaken by occupational-health technical service organizations who are approved by the public health authorities under province-above people 's governments .

  21. 论文首先指出资质认证采购模式在国内外烟草企业的研究和应用现状,并对其发展趋势进行了探讨;

    The main work of the paper is as follows : firstly , the paper discusses research and application status of qualification certification in tobacco enterprise of China and foreign tobacco incorporate .

  22. 以业务优化为主导、信息技术为支撑的观念,实行项目监理制度,聘请战略合作伙伴,国家相关部门开展资质认证,组织基础数据等等。

    Ideas that are conducted by business optimization and supported by information technology , supervision principles , strategic partners retaining , qualification certificating defined by relevant national bureaucracies , fundamental data preparing and so on .

  23. 但是,建设计算机应急体系不仅仅是技术层面的工作,还包括了法制建设、管理、标准与资质认证、系统评估、科研投入、人力资源建设、技术装备等各个环节。

    The frame of security incidents response is not only refer to technical level , but also the other level , such as laws , managements , standards and authentication , evaluation , research , training , equipments .

  24. 论述了开展计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作的背景、意义,提出了我省计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作的程序和方法,解决了相关企业面临的有关问题。

    This article discusses the background and importance of carrying out computer information system integration ranked certification work , puts forward the sequence and method of computer information system integration ranked certification of our province , and solves some relevant questions the related bussiness faced .

  25. 其次,通过资质认证和传统采购、招标采购的比较研究,揭示烟草企业采购理论和方法发展的轨迹,并阐明了资质认证在供应链管理中的地位和作用;

    Secondly , the paper indicates the track of development of procurement theory and method in tobacco enterprise , by comparing qualification certification procurement to traditional procurement and bidding procurement , and illuminates status and function of qualification certification procurement under the condition of supply chain management .

  26. 然后,介绍了资质认证采购模式中供应商选择模型及其基本算法,并利用一个实例较为详细地说明了该模型的应用过程和方法,同时对应用的结果进行了分析。

    Lastly , this paper introduce model of vendor selection and its basic arithmetic under the circumstance of qualification certification , and the paper utilizes a example to narrate in detail application process and methods of the model , analyzes result of application at the same time .

  27. 常务董事负责遵照本程序要求,对质量保证经理(QA)的注册审查员资质和认证进行评审。

    The Managing Director is responsible for reviewing qualification and certification of the QA Manager as a registered auditor in accordance with this procedure .

  28. 所有从事本程序规定活动的人员资质审查和认证工作,由质量保证经理(QA)负责。

    The QA Manager is responsible for qualification and certification of all personnel involved with activities defined by this procedure .

  29. 对试验室不能完成的复杂试验检测项目,负责委托经建设单位同意的具备相应资质并通过计量认证的试验检测单位完成。

    Complicated test and detection items which can not be completed in laboratory are to be completed by test and detection unit which is responsible for commissioning and approved by the employer , has corresponding qualification and passes metrological authentication .