
  • 网络Resource Unit
  1. ,而其余众多的三级信息资源单位将不再承担信息资源的建设任务。

    While the other remaining three-level information resource units will no longer bear the task of information resources building .

  2. 劳动者个体是人力资源单位的自然形态而非本质形态,我们应该把人力资源开发的基本点确定为人的基本素质。

    While the individual is only a form of unit in terms of human resources . Therefore , the essence of human resource development should be decided by the basic quality of people .

  3. {缺少右括号(])。}要表示在任务中分配的资源单位的数目,请在括号([])内键入数字。

    { The right bracket symbol ( ] ) is missing . } To indicate the number of resource units assigned to the task , type the number enclosed in brackets ( [ ] ) .

  4. 人力资源单位传统的个体观念,没有把如何深入发掘个人内在潜力作为自己的重要职责,造成了人力资源的内耗与浪费。

    The traditional concept of " individual " as the unit of human resources failed to recognize the necessity to exploit human potentials , which gave rise to exhaustion of human resources by internal strife as well as wastes .

  5. 同时,在全国范围内以课题招标的形式建立若干二级信息资源单位,主要任务是建设二次、三次信息资源,开发各种专题数据库。

    At the same time , we should build a number of second-level information resource units in the form of issue tender on a national scale , mainly in order to construct the twice and triple information resources , developing kinds of thematic data base .

  6. 开发、利用水资源的单位和个人有依法保护水资源的义务。

    The entities and individuals developing and utilizing water resources shall bear an obligation to protect water resources according to law .

  7. 国家保护依法开发利用野生动物资源的单位和个人的合法权益。

    The state protects the lawful rights and interests of units and individuals engaged in the development or utilization of wildlife resources according to law .

  8. 成长性企业拥有先进适用的技术,善于利用各种宝贵资源,单位消耗低、投入产出比高,处在良性循环发展阶段。

    High-growth enterprises have advanced technology , good use of valuable resources , constant innovation , unit consumption of the minimum , the highest input-output ratio .

  9. 其次,充分利用单位内部自然健身资源;单位适当建立收费性的健身场所和俱乐部,针对不同的消费阶层提供不同的服务。

    Secondly , make full use of internal natural fitness resources ; units with appropriate establish the charge of fitness venues and clubs , for different consumer segments to provide different services .

  10. 该方案根据无线分组网络中以分组为最小资源管理单位的特点,结合系统剩余容量以及不同类型业务的特点,为不同业务设置不同的接入准则。

    The scheme takes the packet in wireless packet networks as the minimum resource management unit , incorporates the residual capacity and the traffic characteristics , and sets different access criteria for different types of traffic .

  11. 由于幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林森林资源资产单位评估价值的影响因素不同,应分别构建幼龄林、中龄林、成熟林的批量评估模型。

    Due to the difference among the factors affecting the appraisal value per unit young , immature and mature forest resource assets , the mass appraisal models should be built for the young , immature and mature forests respectively .

  12. 如何对材料资源使用最大单位?

    How do I use maximum units for material resources ?

  13. 资源税的单位税额总体偏低。

    The unit levy is low in general ;

  14. 住房资源贫乏的单位,住房分配制度以原始公平为导向,职工住房资格的认定以职工的先赋因素为基准;

    In the units that are short of housing resources , fairness and " ascribed factors " are emphasized ;

  15. 集中依赖是最基本的依赖形式,在这种模式中只有内部单位可以共享其公共资源,其它单位则不可以。

    The pooled dependency is the most primitive form of interdependence where involved units share and use common resources but are otherwise independent .

  16. 在所需材料资源的“单位”域中,输入或选择用于此工作分配的单位数。

    In the units field for the material resource you want , type or select the number of units to be used on this assignment .

  17. 报告主体主要包括各级政府以及使用公共资源的相关单位(主要指行政单位和接受预算拨款的事业单位)。

    The reporting subject includes governments at various levels and other units using public resources ( mainly refers to the administrative unit and institutions that receiving budget funds ) .

  18. 本文认为,金融能量是由经济体所拥有的金融资源规模及其单位金融资源的产出能力所决定的。

    The article explains that energy of finance is determined by the scale of financial resources and the unit output capability of the financial resources processed by the economic entity .

  19. 保定市林业资源现状是单位蓄积量低,林木产出量低,林木资源的利用率低,无形资本有形转化率低。

    The current situation of forestry reserves in Baoding City is low reserves per unit , low output of woods , and low rate of the transformation from intangible prosperties to tangible prosperties .

  20. 住房资源相对宽裕的单位,住房分配制度强调等级特征,对职工住房资格的认定以自致因素为基础;

    In the units that own relatively plenty of housing resources , rank and " achieved factors " are stressed ;

  21. 住房资源相当富足的单位,住房分配制度强调等级差异,职工住房资格的认定凸现权力因素。

    In the units that are abundant in housing resources , rank and " hierarchical factors " are the most important ingredients .

  22. 自然保护区的管护目标和管理要求,明确自然保护区是经济建设重要组成部分,是实施资源管理的基本单位。

    Management objectives and requirement , and defining nature reserve is important part of economic construction , are basic units of resource management .

  23. 此外,安徽科技人力资源在不同属性单位间和专业技术结构间分布不均匀。

    In addition , human resources for science and technology in Anhui are unevenly distributed between units in different attributes and in different professional structure .

  24. 利用各部门自己专有的信息工作平台,将流动人口的基础信息共享,消除部门隔阂,使信息资源能在各单位、各部门间高效地横向流动。

    Take advantage of the various departments of the proprietary platform of information , sharing the horizontal information of mobile population , eliminating gap among departments , making information to horizontal flow efficiently in them .

  25. 国土资源部门作为管理利用土地、矿产资源的主要单位,加快推进电子政务建设势在必行。

    Department of land and resources is the main unit of management of land and mineral resources , and it has to promote establishment of land and resource E-Government system .

  26. 提出了一种通用的定量计算方法,即用规范化指数表示各地区的资源丰度,用“度”作为资源丰度的计量单位。

    The enrichment of area resources was expressed by means of a standardized index , and the degree was taken as quantitative unit of the enrichment of resources .

  27. 海洋渔业资源突出的表现为资源系统的共享性、资源单位的可分性、负外部性、不确定性等特征,在开发中容易过度利用,造成资源衰退。

    The outstanding performance of marine fishery resources which can caused a recession and over-exploitation in the development is resources sharing , the division available of resource units , negative externalities , uncertainties and so on .

  28. 公共池塘资源就是同时具有非排他性和竞争性的物品,是一种人们共同使用整个资源系统但分别享用资源单位的公共资源。

    The common-pool resources refer to the goods with both excludability and rivalry . They are the common resources commonly shared by people in a whole system but shared privately as specific units .

  29. 该机制在已有OBS资源预留机制的基础上,将边缘节点突发组装算法与核心节点资源预留机制相结合,通过引入突发流的概念,改变了资源预留的基本单位;

    Based on current reservation mechanisms in OBS , by combining the burst assembly algorithm in edge nodes with the resource reservation scheme in core nodes and by introducing the concept of " burst flow ", DRR changes the essential units of resource reservation .