
  1. 在过去数十年,资本和贸易商品的更自由流动为人类福利带来巨大收益。

    Over the past few decades the freer movement of capital and traded goods has brought enormous gains to human welfare .

  2. 高利润促使商业资本向着贸易中心点集中,从而使一些贸易中心点迅速城市化。

    The Profitability led to the concentration of commercial capital on the key commercial places , which therefore led to their rapid urbanization .

  3. 国际金融公司还采取了创新思维和募集资源的方式。我们还启动银行资本,贸易金融、基础设施和微观信贷等等项目。

    IFC combines strong innovation with resource mobilization ; we have launched initiatives on bank capitalization , trade finance , infrastructure , and microfinance .

  4. 这一结果表明,全球化以及资本和贸易流的增长,已使得企业能够利用地区之间的竞争,获得最大的投资回报。

    The results show that globalisation and the increase in capital and trade flows are enabling companies to exploit the competition between regions to reap the biggest rewards for their investments .

  5. 格兰杰因果检验表明短期内人口年龄结构、劳动力流动与人力资本不是贸易差额的格兰杰原因,贸易差额是本文所选变量共同作用的结果。

    Granger causality test showed that the short term the above three variables were granger reasons of trade balance and the trade balance was coefficient result of the six selected variables .

  6. 周一,中国海航和总部位于香港的bravia在与多家美国私人股本公司和其他公司的角逐中胜出,达成了上述交易,这凸显出中国资本在全球贸易基础设施融资领域日益扩大的影响力。

    HNA and Hong Kong-based Bravia trumped a number of US-based private equity and other companies to win the deal on Monday , highlighting the growing influence of Chinese capital in financing the infrastructure of Global trade .

  7. 中国国际资本流入的贸易增长效应分析

    Analysis about the trade growth effect of the international capital flowing in China

  8. 因为资本产品的贸易密集度较高,这就压低了贸易增长。

    This translates into lower trade growth because capital goods are more trade-intensive .

  9. 然后用年度数据分析国际投机资本流入与贸易顺差之间的关系。

    Then I use annual data to analyze the relationship between international speculative capital inflows and the trade surplus .

  10. 人力资本与服务贸易比较优势的相关性研究美国与其贸易伙伴贸易统计差异

    Human Capital and the Comparative Advantage of Services in Trade DIFFERENCES IN TRADE STATISTICS BETWEEN U. S. AND ITS TRADE PARTNERS

  11. 它所涉及的范围,既包括有形贸易,也包括技术、资本等无形贸易。

    Economic Law concerns not only visible trade like merchandise trade etc , but also invisible trade like technology and capital trade etc.

  12. 各影响因素比较而言,人力资本和国际贸易的作用较大,超过了技术创新对经济转型的作用。

    Among all the factors that affect economic transformation , the effects of human capital and international trade outweighs that of technical innovation .

  13. 大宗商品远距离贸易,还导致商业资本在若干贸易中心点的集中,从而产生一批新兴的商业都会。

    On the other hand , causing the collection of the capital into some trade center points , then a series of trade capital developed .

  14. 协整分析表明,人口年龄结构、劳动力流动和人力资本分别与贸易差额存在长期均衡关系,且贸易差额与上述三个变量之间也存在着长期稳定的均衡关系。

    Cointegration analysis showed that the population age structure , labour mobility and human capital respectively had long-term equilibrium relationship with the trade balance , and the trade balance also had a long-term and stable equilibrium relationship with the above three variables .

  15. 本文在回顾国内外人力资本影响国际贸易的相关文献的基础上,剖析了人力资本影响出口商品结构的机制,并运用我国相关数据作了实证检验,最后针对研究结果提出相应的政策建议。

    On the basis of reviews at home and abroad , related literature on human capital can impact international trade , this analysis of the mechanism frame of human capital affects export commodity and structure , as do empirical tests according to relative Chinese data .

  16. Granger因果检验的结果则进一步表明,生产非一体化和出口专业化是贸易一体化的原因,而资本化程度既是贸易一体化的原因,也是生产非一体化的原因。

    The results of the Granger Causality Test show that disintegration of production and specialization of exports contribute to integration of trade . Both integration of trade and disintegration of production are determined by the capitalization index .

  17. 一战中断了国与国之间的资本流动和国际贸易。

    The war disrupted capital flows and international trade between nations .

  18. 国际物流资本的触角随着贸易的全球化不断延伸。

    International capital for logistics businesses flows with globalization of trade .

  19. 国际R&D竞争、资本结构与战略性贸易政策

    International R & D Rivalry , Capital Structure and Strategic Trade Policy

  20. 而且,限制资本流动在许多贸易协定中是非法的。

    Restrictions on the movement of capital , moreover , are outlawed in many trade agreements .

  21. 通过中国工业品行业的资本劳动比和贸易条件变化的关系,初步验证了该理论模型。

    The relationship between the capital-labor ration in China industrial products and the change in the terms of trade validates the theoretical model initially .

  22. 鉴于资本流入远远超过贸易和外国直接投资总量,中国似乎正在接收巨额的投机性热钱。

    Given that the inflows far outstrip trade and direct foreign investment , China appears to be receiving vast amounts of speculative hot money .

  23. 由于可能会有投机性资本流入掩藏在贸易和外商直接投资的外衣下,它们的真实份额可能会更低。

    Because there are likely to be speculative inflows buried in the trade and FDI accounts , their true share is probably even lower .

  24. 这同人民币汇率钉住美元、资本项目管制、贸易开放度不高的实际情况是吻合的。

    It suits the fact that RMB 's exchange-rate pegs US $ , capital item is controlled , the opening degree of trade is not high .

  25. 去年,人民币自从跟美元脱钩以来,第一次发生对美元的年度贬值,因为资本外流抵消了贸易盈余不断扩大的影响。

    Last year the renminbi suffered its first annual decline against the US dollar since it was depegged , as capital outflows from China countered the impact of widening trade surpluses .

  26. 目前,国内外学者的研究结果和发达国家的经验都证明,人力资本是影响服务贸易比较优势的关键因素。

    Currently , most academic results and experience of the developed countries have been proved that human capital is the key factor which can determine the comparative advantages of trade in services .

  27. 汇率变动对进出口贸易、资本流动、国际贸易关系、经济增长速度、就业水平等都存在影响。

    This paper analyzes the effects of the fluctuations of exchange rate on the trade of import and export , capital flow , the international trade relationship , speed of economic growth , employment rate , etc.

  28. 该协定将阐明两国之间的投资规则,同时打破这些投资领域仍然存在的诸多壁垒,这更像是一个允许资本流动的自由贸易协议,商品和服务贸易则不包括在内。

    Such an agreement would clarify the rules for investment between the two countries while removing many barriers that remain to such investments & rather like a free-trade agreement for capital flows instead of goods and services .

  29. 结果表明中国服务贸易出口结构变动缓慢,劳动密集型和资源依赖型的服务贸易出口仍然占有绝对优势,尽管技术与资本密集型服务贸易出口增长迅速,但比重不高;

    As a result , it shows that the export change is very slow , traditional labor-intensive and resource-dependent service trade is still taking up the dominant advantage , but the technology-intensive and capital-intensive service trade is developing very quickly .

  30. 进一步从区域经济周期角度进行综合分析后,我们认为市场化改革、宏观经济政策、产业结构、人力资本、区际贸易和国际贸易是导致上述现象的具体因素。

    Furthermore , through the analysis by synthesis of the regional economic fluctuation we argued that there are six concrete factors which can give rise to those phenomenon mentioned above , such as market-oriented reform , macroeconomic policy , industrial structure , human capital , inter-region trade and international trade .