
  • 网络seeds of capitalism
  1. 也谈殖民地时期墨西哥资本主义萌芽问题

    On the Seeds of Capitalism in Mexico During its Colonial Times

  2. 在对其进行研究时,不少学者认为他的这种思想反映了市民阶级的要求,甚或认为是资本主义萌芽的反映。

    Some of them think there is claim of townspeople_class or even reflection of the seeds of capitalism .

  3. 明代资本主义萌芽的新制度经济学解释

    Explanation for New Institutional Economics for Budding of Capitalism of Ming Dynasty

  4. 佛兰德尔由此成为最早出现资本主义萌芽性质的地区之一。

    So Flanders became one of the areas that capitalist sprout firstly emerged .

  5. 烟草种植与中国农业资本主义萌芽的关系

    On tobacco planting and capitalism budding in Chinese agriculture

  6. 宋代四川榷茶法与资本主义萌芽

    The Monopolizing-Tea Law of Sichuan Province in Song Dynasty and the Sprouting of Capitalism

  7. 试论英法百年战争与英国资本主义萌芽的成长

    Hundred Years War and Development of British Capitalism

  8. 意大利资本主义萌芽及夭折

    The Seeds and Premature and Capitalism in Italy

  9. 资本主义萌芽时期中西商业算术之比较

    The Compare of the Business Arithmetic between China and the West in the Period of Capitalism Shoot

  10. 明清资本主义萌芽研究本世纪文明有所进步吗?

    Study on Origins of Capitalism in Ming and Qing Dynasty Has civilization advanced during this century ?

  11. 中国在16世纪中叶,从封建社会母体内诞生了资本主义萌芽。

    The seeds of capitalism sprouted up in the feudal society of China in the middle 16th Century .

  12. 汉代雇佣劳动是封建性的,与资本主义萌芽和发展没有干系。

    Wage labor is a feudal Han , the germination and development of capitalism there is no implication .

  13. 一位伟人的嘱托,一部著作的问世,揭开了中国资本主义萌芽的迷离的面纱。

    A great man 's entrustment and a book 's publishment uncovered the veil of the seed of capitalism in China .

  14. 是封建主义没落,资本主义萌芽时期人民争取自由解放的思想愿望在音乐美学领域的强烈反映。

    It represents the people 's strong desire for freedom during the end of feudal society and initial stage of capitalism .

  15. 这些斗争是明朝后期资本主义萌芽在政治上的反映。

    The fights are the reflection of the seeds of the capitalism in politics at the end of the Ming Dynasty .

  16. 16世纪中叶,西欧国家和中国社会差不多同时出现资本主义萌芽,但由于各自助力和阻力大不一样,西欧国家逐步走上资本主义的道路;

    In the mid 16th century , the seeds of capitalism sprouted in western European countries and China at about the same time .

  17. 这在历史上有促进明清商品经济发展和早期资本主义萌芽成长的积极作用。

    This has on the history promote bright Qing Dynasty goods economy progress and inchoate capitalism are budding the positive effect that grow .

  18. 国内学术界对资本主义萌芽问题的研究,影响面之广,在史学研究中实不多见,既取得了巨大的成就,同时也存在着不少的问题。

    Domestic academic study on the problem of " seeds of capitalism " are widespread , which is rarely found in historical research .

  19. 清代资本主义萌芽的继续发展使得社会的价值观由朴素转为奢华。

    The continued development of the capitalist germination in Qing dynasty caused the migration of values of the society from simple to luxury .

  20. 资本主义萌芽时期是人类社会历史发展进程中的关键时期之一。

    The phase when the capitalism was in embryo is one of the critical times for human-beings in the course of social development .

  21. 文艺复兴解放了人们的思想,否定了封建特权,它为早期的资本主义萌芽发展奠定了深厚的基础。

    The Renaissance liberate people 's thinking and negate the feudal privileges , it for early capitalist sprout development has laid a solid foundation .

  22. 明清两代,由于资本主义萌芽,丝绸生产商品化,丝绸海外贸易迅速发展。

    During the Ming and Qing Dynasties , as capitalism sprouted , silk cloth production began to get commercialized and overseas trade developed rapidly .

  23. 农村雇工的兴起和发展是中世纪中晚期和近代早期西欧历史上较为引人注目的现象之一,也是西欧资本主义萌芽理论中极为重要的一环。

    This essay explores the role of the rural laborers and takes them as an important factor for the origin of capitalism in later Medieval England .

  24. 从本质上说,徽州海商依然是以追求自由贸易,追逐商业利润为特征的具有资本主义萌芽性质的海商。

    In essence , Huizhou marine merchants were merchants with the thoughts of capitalism germination and the appearance of pursuing free trades and seeking commercial profits .

  25. 公元14-17世纪中叶以后,苏州、松江和南京等地,成为我国资本主义萌芽的发祥地。

    AD14-17 after the middle of the century , Suzhou , Songjiang and Nanjing and other places , to become the birthplace of China 's budding capitalist .

  26. 明朝通常还被认为是中国文明的高峰以及早期资本主义萌芽的时期。

    The Ming dynasty is often regarded as both a high point in Chinese civilization as well as a dynasty in which early signs of capitalism emerged .

  27. 此章包括民间海外贸易与封建土地所有制、民间海外贸易与资本主义萌芽两部分。

    This chapter includes the relation of folk overseas trade and feudal land ownership , and the relation of folk overseas trade and capitalism sprouting two parts .

  28. 明清传奇的市民形象鲜明地显示出与传统文学截然不同的地位和风貌,并表现出与资本主义萌芽同步发展的轨迹,具有深刻的社会时代特征。

    The figures of civilian were clearly imbued with times features , which was different from that of traditional literature and in step with the growing capitalism .

  29. 随着资本主义萌芽产生和西方科技的不断传入,涌现出大量商人家训、科技家传等。

    At the same time , a large number of merchant and technological family teachings emerged with the advent of Capitalism and the introduction of western technologies .

  30. 山西票号的产生是商品生产和商品交换的结果,是资本主义萌芽的产物,是产业分化和产业形成的最终结果。

    As a sprout of capitalism , emergence of Shanxi exchange shops resulted from commodity production and exchange and from industry differentiation and its coming into being .