- 网络Cost Elements;element of expenditure

Some Thoughts about Specifying Fees Elements
Based on the analysis of life cycle cost elements affecting and restricted by reliability , it establishes reliability and life cycle cost mathematical relation model .
There is different about provision of been interrelated with expense element that our country new enterprise accounting basic standards and original accounting basic standards and international accounting standards .
The safety benefit in petroleum enterprise is analyzed in part two and part three . The economic loss resulted from occupational injury of an enterprise is emphatically discussed , in which the component parts and factors for determining each component and its category are emphatically expounded .
It also probes into ways to reduce operation cost through the analysis of main factors to constitute it .
On the Significance and Transition of Internal Control Elements of Cost in Private Enterprises
From the project scope , timing , quality , resources , cost management and many other factors are discussed , and strive to clarity and focus .
METHODS : We performed a systematical analysis on the essence of high drug price and high hospitalization expense , the decisive factors for the drug prices and the internal relationships between drug prices and drug expenses .
The confirmation and calculation of the forest account 's factors , such as the forest property , the forest capital , the production cost of afforestation , the protection cost of forestry and so on , are explored in this thesis .
Furthermore , we argue that when accounting elements are studied , the sufficient factor of corporate value-creating & corporate competence , must be considered . Expense is one of the core accounting elements , but the existed definition cannot reflect its essence at - tribute .
In armament acquisition system , cost risk and the elements that had an impact on are interaction .
The Problem of Expense : Thinking on the Basis of the Expense Element of New Standards
By analyzing the technical flow of pithead heap-leaching uranium deposits of hard-rock type , the authors analyze its 14 cost items such as ore mining fee and major materials fee etc. , and set up a geological-economic evaluation model .
This paper introduces a new measure method-vague discern and sort which make a measure based on the grade of the environment , in order to provide reference for accounting development .