
  1. 教育贷款审计的方法研究

    Research on the Methods of Auditing in Education Loan

  2. 通过对10多年的世行贷款审计工作经验总结,从7个方面浅谈了对利用世行贷款进行水利项目建设审计监督的一些做法及个人意见。

    Through the experience summary of the world bank loan audit work for more than ten years , the author briefly suggested some methods and his opinions to the WR project items of utilizing foreign investment audit supervision from seven aspects .

  3. 本文的实务研究不仅对国家助学贷款绩效审计有指导意义,而且对于政策性贷款的绩效审计也起到了一定的启发作用。

    Our research is of instructive significance not only to performance auditing of the government student loans , but also to performance auditing of other policy loans .

  4. 文章基于对个人住房抵押贷款的审计实践,揭示了保险公司违规支付代理手续费的常见手法,并对其成因进行了深层次的分析,以此提出政策建议。

    Based on the audit practice of individual mortgage loan , the paper points out the familiar skill of breaching the regulations to pay agency service charge , and analyzes the causes , then puts forward a policy suggestion with this .

  5. 因此,爱尔兰政府计划聘请外部专家,对银行抵押贷款账簿进行严格审计并建立叮当邮件风险模型。

    Thus the plan is to get outside experts to properly audit the mortgage books and model the jingle mail risk .

  6. 本文通过分析贷款资金的内部控制制度、来源和使用情况,提出了建立内部控制审计为主,创新审计方法的教育贷款审计的新思路。

    By analyzing the inner control system of the loan funds , their sources and their utilization , this paper advances the new idea of setting up inner controlling and auditing system and working out new auditing method .