
  • 网络quality tools;QC tools
  1. 基于QFD质量工具集成的研究与应用

    Study and Application on the Integration of Quality Tools Based on QFD

  2. 代码质量工具的一个问题是它们容易为开发人员提供大量但并非真正问题的问题&即伪问题(falsepositives)。

    One of the problems with code quality tools is that they tend to overwhelm developers with problems that aren 't really problems & that is , false positives .

  3. 本文阐述如何在流程策划阶段引入质量工具FMEA来有效降低流程风险。

    This paper explores how to use quality tool-FMEA to reduce the risk of the processes .

  4. 这两种角色都能够从使用RationalPurifyPlus的使用过程中获得利益,因为它既是开发人员也是测试人员的工具――它是一个质量工具。

    Both these roles can benefit significantly from using Rational PurifyPlus because it is both a developer tool and a tester tool & it 's a quality tool .

  5. 本文将谈到一般意义的代码审查实践,并且涉及到IRAD的自动化软件质量工具时使用大写(CodeReview)。

    This article will talk about the practice of code reviews in the generic sense , and will use upper-case ( Code Review ) when referring to the automated software quality tool that is part of IRAD .

  6. 熟悉各类质量工具,如QC七大手法、六西格玛、5大手册等工具及GB2828抽样标准等国家标准。

    Familiar with quality tools , such as QC7 tools , six sigma , SPC , MSA , PPAP , APQP and GB2828 , etc.

  7. 基于知识地图的质量工具学习系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Knowledge Map-based Quality Tools Learning System

  8. 确定哪个代码质量工具和技术可以满足您的需要。

    Decide which code quality tools and techniques actually meet your needs .

  9. 基于质量工具的质量计划过程模型研究

    Research of quality planning model based on quality tools

  10. 离散制造业质量工具集成方法与应用研究

    A Study on the Method and Application of Quality Tools Integration for Discrete Manufacturing

  11. 喷雾法制作高质量工具钢

    Spray steel makes high quality tool steel

  12. 接着采用线分类法和面分类法相结合的方法建立质量工具知识的分类体系;

    And establishing quality tools knowledge classification combining surface classified method and line classified method .

  13. 最后对质量工具知识的表达方法与数据仓库进行研究。

    In the end , the expressing method and data-warehouse of quality tools knowledge is studied .

  14. 对项目组成员提供六西格玛应用和质量工具的培训。

    Coaches process improvement project team members on Six Sigma application and on the use of applicable quality tools .

  15. 建立的知识地图实例表明应用知识地图可以有效保证质量工具选择的准确性和科学性。

    An engineering practical example indicates that the application of knowledge map can guarantee the correctness and veracity of quality operating tools selection .

  16. 第三,通过过程能力的分析结果并结合质量工具对产生过程中能力不足的工序进行过程质量改进。

    Third , the process of analysis of results and the quality of tools to create the ability of the process of process quality improvement .

  17. 哪一组质量工具更适合于工作团队在有遵守流程或作业指导书的意愿时使用?

    What set basic quality tools be most applicable for a work team to use when there is a desire to follow procedures and work instructions more closely ?

  18. 使用该软件,您就可以创建一个可定制的操作板,以快速和轻松查看系统质量工具以及项目状态,例如测试已经就绪的构建。

    Using this software , you can create a customizable dashboard for quick and easy review of systems quality metrics and project status , such as builds ready to be tested .

  19. 覆盖工具对于测量代码级别的代码覆盖来说并没有任何用处,代码质量工具对于自动检测内存泄露和执行问题来说也没有任何用处。

    There is no use of a coverage tool to measure the code-level code coverage , nor is there use of code quality tools to automate memory leak detection and performance issues .

  20. 公司坚持以品质优胜、信誉超著、客户至上为原则,致力于设计生产专业的高质量工具,以满足市场不断变化的需要。

    With the principle of Quality Perfect , Credit Superior and Customers First , VIHA TOOLS devotes to design and manufacture high quality tools for meeting the changing demand of the market .

  21. 第五章:参照软件工程的思想,对基于知识地图的质量工具学习系统的系统结构、功能组成、系统开发环境、开发工具与方法和系统数据库进行设计与开发;

    Chapter five refers to the philosophy of software engineering , and designs and develops system structure , function composition , development environment , tools , methods and database of this system .

  22. 基于6σ设计的流程管理模式和并行设计技术路线,将质量工具和设计方法融合在6σ设计的流程之中,提出了6σ设计的集成框架。

    Based on design for six sigma ( DFSS ) and concurrent engineering , quality tools and design methods are described and embedded in the flow of DFSS , and the integrated frame of DFSS is presented .

  23. 应用质量工具方法和基于案例的智能支持方法等,构建了评估体系模型的过程模型,将评估体系模型的构建过程分为2个阶段:评估体系模型的配置过程及评估体系模型的优化确认过程。

    DQE construction process model was also put forward based on quality tools method and Case-based Reasoning ( CBR ) method . The model construction process was divided into two stages : DQE model configuration process and DQE model confirmation process .

  24. 最后,结合系统的目的构建知识开发图、知识应用图、知识资源图和知识结构图四种形式的知识地图模型,用于对质量工具知识进行学习。

    In the end , four types of knowledge map models which consist of Knowledge Development maps , Knowledge Application maps , Knowledge Source maps , Knowledge Structure maps is constructed based on the system goal , for learning quality tools knowledge .

  25. 基于Web构架的软件质量评估工具的设计和实现

    Design and Realization of Web Architecture-based Tool for Software Quality Evaluation

  26. MSUVideoQualityMeasurementTool是一款免费的视频质量检测工具,功能强大,操作简单,值得您一试。

    MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool is a free video quality testing tools , powerful , simple and worth a try .

  27. 开源代码质量管理工具Sonar的最新版本支持Java项目的架构约束规则和自定义​仪表盘​。

    The latest version of open source code quality management tool Sonar supports architecture constraint rules for Java projects and custom dashboards .

  28. 健康相关生命质量测量工具SF-36第二版和第一版的比较

    Comparison on the First Version and the Second Version of SF-36

  29. 产品设计质量控制工具与PDM系统的信息集成已经成为企业CIMS实施中的新课题。

    The information integration between product design quality control tools and PDM is becoming a new task of CIMS implementation .

  30. 最近,Rational组织已为采用了基于面向服务的架构(SOA)的组织开发并集成了质量治理工具及服务工具。

    Most recently , the Rational organization has developed and assembled the tools and service capability required to govern quality in organizations that have adopted service-oriented architecure ( SOA ) .