
  • 网络cargo handling;goods handling;Material handling
  1. 龙门起重机在货物搬运中发挥着重要作用,但对龙门起重机结构的设计一直停留在凭借经验和判断对结构方案进行选择和确定。

    Gantry cranes play an important role in the cargo handling . The structure design of gantry cranes remains in the virtue of experience and determination , to select and define the structure .

  2. 基于视觉导航的智能车货物搬运系统设计

    Design of vision guided intelligent vehicle system

  3. 宽泛的选择系列能够满足您的任何一种货物搬运需要。

    A wide range of choice among the elevator trucks produced , will allow to satisfy any need of handling of goods .

  4. 包装应能保护货物在搬运、储存和运输过程中免受损坏。

    Due to improper packing , the goods are terribly damaged .

  5. 因而货物的搬运仅由货物在货舱内的垂直移动所组成。

    Cargo handling therefore consists only of vertical movement of the cargo in the hold .

  6. 这些货物必须小心搬运。

    This freight must be carefully handled .

  7. 在许多实际应用中,要求机器人组成并保持特殊的队形以完成复杂的任务,如大型货物物体的搬运,地图探测,目标搜寻,和营救任务。

    In many applications , robots must form and maintain formations to accomplish such complex tasks as transportation of large awkward objects , mapping , search , and rescue .

  8. 物料搬运是在生产,配送,消费和回收过程中,原材料,货物和产品的搬运,储存,控制和保管。

    Material Handling-Material Handling is the movement , storage , control and protection of materials , goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing , distribution , consumption and disposal .

  9. 物流托盘作为最基本的货物集装单元和搬运设备在物流领域发挥了巨大的作用,物流托盘流通具有广泛的应用价值。

    Pallet has played a huge role in the area of logistics when it is assembled goods as the basic unit or handling equipment , pallet distribution has a broad application value .

  10. 预期在不久的将来,用RFID系统来追踪货物从供货商到仓库再到商店的库房以及最终到各销售点的货物的运输搬运过程将越来越多的被应用。

    In the near future , It is expected that every major retailer will use RFID systems to track the movement of products from suppliers to warehouses , store backrooms and eventually to points of sale .

  11. 伴随经济的快速发展、货物的流通需求的加强,这就需要一种能承担这一承担集疏运货物、配送货物、装卸搬运以及其他流通加工功能的组织,这样才能实现货物的高效的流通。

    With rapid economic development , enhance the flow of goods demand , which requires a commitment to undertake the collection and distribution of goods , distribution of goods , handling and other processing functions of the organization in circulation , so as to achieve the efficient flow of goods .