
huò jī
  • cargo aircraft;air freighter;flying boxcar
货机 [huò jī]
  • [air freighter;cargo aircraft] 用于运送货物的飞机或机组

货机[huò jī]
  1. 相反,货机和日常空军飞行更容易协调时间。

    Cargo aircraft , in contrast , might be easier to reschedule , as might routine military flights .

  2. 波音估计,从现在到2025年,包括货机在内,中国将需要购买2900架新飞机。

    Boeing estimates China will need to buy 2900 new planes , including cargo aircraft , between now and 2025 .

  3. 不过,目前该公司与美国物流公司联邦快递(fedex)开展业务的3架货机仍在飞行。

    However , for now it is still flying three cargo planes in a tie-up with us logistics company FedEx .

  4. 飞行时她身处C-17货机的腹部地带。

    Christina Sheridan , 32 , earns it by flying blind , deep in the belly of a C-17 cargo plane .

  5. 他们还要讨论扩大两岸客机和货机的直航事项。

    They also will discuss expanding direct passenger and cargo flights .

  6. 那架货机在地中海消失得无影无踪。

    The cargo plane has vanished without trace in the Mediterranean .

  7. 这是个货机,先生。我们只运货物。

    It 's freight only , sir . we 're a cargo carrier .

  8. 即使40吨的安通纳12型货机也一样

    Even a 40-ton Atonov-12 cargo plane .

  9. 我把钱投入货机了,但它没有出来。

    I put money in this vending machine , but it didn 't come out .

  10. 这位是少将克里斯·多纳休,正在喀布尔登上一架货机。

    This is major general Chris Donahue who is seen boarding a cargo plane at Kabul .

  11. 迈金利在基蒂霍克航空货运公司一架727型货机的密封舱里神不知,鬼不觉地从纽瓦克飞到了布法罗。

    McKinley traveled undetected in the d belly of a Kitty Hawk Cargo 727 from Newark to Buffalo .

  12. 海伦:马克,你认为用货船海运取代货机空运如何?

    Helen ; Mark , what do you think of shipping by cargo ship rather than by air freight ?

  13. 记者迈金利在基蒂霍克航空货运公司一架727型货机的密封舱里神不知,鬼不觉地从纽瓦克飞到了布法罗。

    CORRESPONDENT McKinley traveled undetected in the pressurized belly of a Kitty Hawk Cargo 727 from Newark to Buffalo .

  14. 在非洲的丛林当中,一条足够让巨型货机起降的跑道已经竣工。

    For here , carved out of the African bush , is a runway big enough for huge cargo planes .

  15. 银河航空将以全货机经营定期与非定期的国际货物运输服务。

    With freight aircraft for operations , Grandstar Cargo will mainly provide international scheduled and non-scheduled air cargo transportation services .

  16. 但美国国家宇航局正在开发太空货机,总是拥有并且运营这唯一的太空航线,好吧。

    But NASA is developing the space liner , always has , and runs the only space line , OK .

  17. 波音公司预测,到2037年,中国空中货机将从2017年的180架增长到740架。

    Boeing forecasts that the fleet of China 's air-cargo freighters will expand from about 180 in 2017 to 740 by 2037 .

  18. 本文中的飞机租赁是指以大型民用客机或货机为标的资产的租赁。

    The aircraft lease in this article refers to the large civil aircraft or cargo aircraft for the underlying assets of the lease .

  19. 用直升机和飞机来灭火并不新鲜,但是还没有任何一个在灭火能力方面能和这架曾是货机的喷气式飞机相媲美。

    Fighting fires from helicopters and planes is not new , but nothing comes close to the fire-snuffing capacity of this former freight jet .

  20. 民航运力的迅猛发展为军队利用民航货机集装化装运军事装备提供了雄厚资源。

    Finally , the feasibility of using civilian airfreight container planes to airlift military equipment is testified through analyzing the capability of civilian airfreight planes .

  21. 该航线连接长沙和大阪。这条航线由顺丰航空公司运营,每架货机可运载25吨货物。

    It connects Changsha with Osaka . Operated by SF Airlines , the service can carry as many as 25 tonnes of cargo per flight .

  22. 空客的订单也出现了下滑,订单数量落后于波音。波音昨天宣布了数笔客机和货机订单。

    It has also suffered a drop in aircraft orders that left it trailing Boeing , which announced several orders yesterday for passenger and cargo aircraft .

  23. 2016年,波音在中国推出了737-800波音改装货机计划,首批波音货机已交付给买主。

    In 2016 , Boeing launched the 737-800 Boeing Converted Freighter program here in China , and the first 737-800BCF has been delivered to the buyer .

  24. 波音公司的一位高管表示,未来20年,中国预计将需要200架新的空运货机和470架改装货机。

    China is expected to demand 200 new air-cargo freighters and 470 converted freighters over the next 20 years , said a senior official of Boeing .

  25. 利用客机/货机升阻特性的预测方法对亚声速飞航导弹的升阻特性进行预测,并给出了合理的修正。本文主要介绍小升阻比载人飞船返回舱的配平气动特性。

    A prediction method of lift to drag ratio of subsonic maneuverable missile was given . This paper introduces the trim aerodynamic characteristics of re-entry modules .

  26. 他表示,在过去五年中,波音货机的订单和交付量占全球市场总量的90%以上。

    Over the past five years , Boeing freighters ' orders and deliveries account for more than 90 percent of the total global market , he said .

  27. 这架货机周六上午正欲飞往吉尔吉斯斯坦的首都比什凯克,冲出跑道突发起火。

    The plane was on its way to Bishkek , the capital of Kyrgyzstan , when it veered off the runway and burst into flames Saturday morning .

  28. 他们抵达天河国际机场后也接受了进一步的检查。武汉—伦敦—阿姆斯特丹全货机航线于同一天重新开通。

    They also underwent further screening upon arrival at Tianhe International Airport An all-cargo airline linking Wuhan , London , and Amsterdam reopened on the same day .

  29. 近年来随着大型飞机以及全货机的不断增多,越来越多超大、超重的异型货物通过航空来运输。

    Recent years , as the increasing number of large aircraft and whole cargo aircraft , more and more oversize and overweight cargo can be transported by aircraft .

  30. 这家韩国航空公司最近的一次坠毁事件发生在2011年7月28日,当时一架波音747货机掉进韩国济州岛附近的大海里。

    The South Korean airline last suffered a crash when a Boeing 747 cargo plane plunged into the sea off Jeju , South Korea , on July 28 , 2011 .