
huò bì wēi jī
  • Currency crisis;monetary crisis;money crisis
  1. Flood和PeterM·Garber对Krugman的模型加以扩展和简化,开创了第一代货币危机模型。

    In 1984 , Robert P. Flood and Peter M. Garber established the first model of monetary crisis after the expansion and simplification to Krugman 's model .

  2. 构建我国货币危机预警机制&基于KLR信号法的研究

    Building up a Pre-warning Mechanism of Our Monetary Crisis & Based on the Research of the Signal of KLR

  3. 欧洲货币危机引起的连锁反应仍在影响着大多数的成员国。

    The ripples of Europe 's currency crisis continue to be felt in most of the member states

  4. 在发生货币危机的时期,利率会提高,以表明政府有控制力。

    In times of currency crisis interest rates can be raised as a sign that a government is in command .

  5. 有关政策自满的另一个恰当例子是他们对中东欧(cee)货币危机的反应。

    Another fitting example of policy complacency is the response to the central and East European ( CEE ) currency crisis .

  6. 面对全球新兴市场的紧张局势,以及有关方面要求欧盟(europeanunion)牵头救援拉脱维亚、匈牙利和罗马尼亚等国、以避免其银行系统崩溃和陷入货币危机的呼声,imf一直在忙于筹措更多的资金。

    Amid strains in emerging markets across the world and calls for the European Union to take the lead in rescuing countries such as Latvia , Hungary and Romania from collapsing banking systems and currency crises , the IMF has been scrambling to increase its firepower .

  7. 沃尔玛(Walmart)、耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)等公司都认为中国形势更为稳定,因为中国政府让这个国家避免了货币危机,而且中国有充足的廉价劳力。

    Companies such as Walmart , Nike and Adidas decided China was more stable because the government had insulated the country from the currency crisis and because there was an abundance of cheap labour .

  8. 在Krugman(1979)对货币危机研究的开创性论文之后,这一领域内涌现了大量的优秀文献,但主要集中在研究货币危机的发生、预警以及相应的防范政策上。

    After Krugman 's initiate papers about currency crisis , there are lots of excellent literatures in this field , but they all focused on the rise , warn and precaution policy of currency crises .

  9. G-3汇率波动对发展中国家和地区可能产生的影响包括:贸易量、外国直接投资、货币危机、债务负担等等。

    G-3 exchange rate volatility may affect developing countries on such variables as follows : trade flows , foreign direct investment , currency crisis , debt servicing and so on .

  10. 文章Probit模型对90年代发生过货币危机的发展中国家在危机阶段的资本逆流与短期外债之间的关系进行了经验分析,找到了在危机阶段资本逆流与短期外债比例显著相关的证据。

    In addition , Probit Model is used in the empirical analysis of developing countries ' currency crises in 1990s , and it is showed that the capital inflows in the countries of high short-term foreign debt ratio are inclined to reverse .

  11. 文章构造了一个由IPLM曲线和总产出曲线构成的汇率&产出模型,揭示了三代货币危机模型的内在关联性。

    In the paper , an exchange rate-output model consisting of IPLM curve and aggregate output curve is built , indicating the inner relevance of the three-generation currency crises and models .

  12. 货币危机预警综合评价方法研究

    The Methodological Analysis of Comprehensive Valuating Method to Warn Monetary Crisis

  13. 迄今为止,关于金融危机的研究已经形成了三代货币危机模型。

    So far there are three generations of currency crisis model .

  14. 货币危机中的远期外汇市场参与者行为分析

    Analysis on the Behavior of Participants of Forward Foreign Exchange Market

  15. 去年四月份对货币危机的担忧动摇了投资者的信心。

    Fears of a currency crisis shook investor confidence last April .

  16. 最近虽然有货币危机,但情况不见好转。

    The recent currency crisis has not made things any better .

  17. 货币危机预警模型的选择与实证

    Selection and Demonstration of the Early Warning Model of Currency Crisis

  18. 糟了!亚洲可能发生货币危机!

    Gosh , there could be a currency crisis here !

  19. 大多数只是套用这些模型,有的修改一些经济指标,或是完善了货币危机的定义。

    Some of them modify economic indexes and definition of monetary crisis .

  20. 货币危机预警理论及实证比较研究&兼对中国的模拟分析及启示

    The Currency Crisis Early-warning Theories and Their Positive Comparative Studies

  21. 日元高估与货币危机的关系如何?

    What 's the relationship between Yen 's overvaluation and currency crisis ?

  22. 银行危机与货币危机真是共生的吗?

    Banking and Currency Crises : Are They Really Twin ;

  23. 经常项目逆差会导致货币危机吗?

    Will the adverse balance of current account result in monetary crisis ?

  24. 新兴市场货币危机机理研究

    On the Mechanism of the Currency Crises in Emerging Markets

  25. 货币危机与银行危机共生性实证研究

    The Empirical Study of the Coincidence of Currency Crises and Banking Crises

  26. 美元本位、估值效应与季风型货币危机

    Dollar Standard , Valuation Effects and Monsoonal Currency Crisis

  27. 理性政府下的货币危机及其传染

    Currency Crises and their Contagion under Rational Government Assumption

  28. 货币危机传染与宏观政策选择

    Currency Crisis Infection and Choices of Macro - policies

  29. 货币危机是国际经济和金融学中的重要内容和前沿问题。

    Currency crises are important and current issues in international economics and Finance .

  30. 货币危机传染理论研究

    Study on the theory of the currency crises contagious