
  • 网络fiscal quarter
  1. 在截至6月30日的财季,星巴克报告亚洲营运利润率达到36%,高于美洲的22%以及欧洲、中东和非洲的3%。

    In the fiscal quarter ending June 30 , Starbucks reported a 36 per cent operating margin in Asia during the quarter to June 30 ; that compares with 22 per cent in the Americas and 3 per cent in Europe , the Middle East and Africa .

  2. 苹果公司(Apple)周二公布的第四财季财报并未让投资者满意。

    Apple ( AAPL ) reported disappointing results for its fourth fiscal quarter on Tuesday .

  3. 上周三,德迪欧在个人网站Asymco.com上公布了对苹果2012年第二财季的预测,同时还在《关键路径》(TheCriticalPath)里详细讨论了预测情况。

    On Wednesday , dediu published his Q2 2012 estimates on asymco .

  4. 根据周二最先由TheInformation网站发布的数据,优步第三财季营收17亿美元,亏损逾8亿美元。

    In the third quarter the company lost more than $ 800m on revenues of $ 1.7bn , according to figures first published on Tuesday by The Information website .

  5. 惠普的核心业务PC和打印机的业绩在第四财季出现下滑。

    In the fourth quarter , it suffered declines in core businesses like PCs and printers .

  6. 德迪欧预测,iPad在2012年第二财季销量有望达到1220万部。

    Dediu is calling for Q2 iPad sales of 12.2 million .

  7. 苹果(Apple)将在约两周后,即7月19日发布第三财季财报。

    Apple ( AAPL ) will report its earnings for the June quarter on July 19 , two weeks from today .

  8. 就在本财季,BP获得了在特立尼达和多巴哥(拉丁美洲岛国&译注)附近深海区域进行钻井勘探的租约。

    Just this quarter , BP received leases to drill in new deepwater blocks off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago .

  9. 在截至7月30日的公司第三财季,苹果共售出了2600万部iPhone。

    During its fiscal third quarter ended June 30 , Apple sold 26 million iPhones .

  10. 2010年最后一个财季,苹果公司售出的iPad数量超过了Mac电脑。

    In the last quarter of 2010 , Apple sold more iPads than MAC computers .

  11. 这可能也是这一财季iPad销量放缓的原因。

    That might be the same reason iPad sales slowed this quarter as well .

  12. 本财季下半部分,因消费者等待iPhone4S手机,导致iPhone手机销量下跌

    IPhone sales declined in 2nd part of quarter as customers anticipated the iPhone 4S

  13. 这一财季的iPad销量为1330万部,同比下降了9%。

    The company sold 13.3 million iPads , down 9 percent from the year-ago quarter .

  14. 微软的核心部门WindowsPC部收入锐减29%,为31.1亿美元,加剧了该公司在最近一期财季的下滑。

    A29 per cent plunge in revenues from Microsoft 's core Windows PC division , to $ 3.11bn , aggravated the decline in the latest quarter .

  15. 本周早些时候,这家美国公司报告称,第二财季iPhone的销售额下跌了15%。

    Earlier this week , the US company reported a 15 % drop in iPhone sales for the April-to-June quarter .

  16. 这家美国科技巨头在第三财季销售了4040万部苹果iPhone手机,略高于预估的4002万部。

    The US tech giant sold 40.4 million iPhones in its third quarter , slightly above forecasts of 40.02 million .

  17. 最近一个财季,Zynga的营收中有87%来自Facebook。

    Zynga received 87 % of its revenue through the Facebook platform in the latest quarter .

  18. ApplePay的佣金也包含在苹果服务业务中,其交易量在9月结束的第四财季同比上升500%。

    Apple Pay , commission for which is also included in the services line , saw a 500 per cent year-on-year increase in transactions in the quarter ending in September .

  19. 在6月份的财季,苹果增加了42家运营商,他们对苹果本季度远远超出预料的2030万部iPhone出货量做出了不小贡献。

    Apple added 42 carriers in the June quarter , which partly contributed to the bigger-than-expected iPhone units of 20.3 million .

  20. 自IPO以来,它每个财季的表现都远超市场预期,目前市值已经逼近25亿美元。

    Shutterstock ( sstk ) has beaten expectations each quarter since its IPO and has a market capitalization approaching $ 2.5 billion .

  21. 本周早些时候,在公布其第一财季业绩后,松下公司(PanasonicCorp.)也表达类似小心谨慎的态度。

    Earlier this week , Panasonic Corp. expressed similar caution after its fiscal first-quarter results .

  22. 此前,苹果宣布iPhone销售额的下降幅度高于预期,并警告说当前财季的收入可能低于上年同期。

    Apple reported lower iPhone sales than projected and warned that revenue in the current quarter might fall from a year ago .

  23. 据市场研究机构IDC称,今年第三财季采用安卓系统的智能手机占总出货量的75%。

    Android represented 75 % of smartphone shipments in the third quarter , according to IDC .

  24. 虽然我们对苹果第二财季仍充满乐观,但由于iPhone和iPad销售不佳,下调第三财季的预期不可避免。

    We are comfortable with our mar-q estimates but lower our jun-q forecasts , reflecting lower iPhone sales and weaker iPad mix .

  25. 在美国,iPhone4S第二财季的销售下降了34%。

    In the U.S. , iPhone sales slowed down 34 % in the second quarter of iPhone 4S sales .

  26. 这次市场担忧的是,iPhone发货量稍逊于预期,以及该公司公布的第四财季收入目标略低于预期。

    This time the worries are iPhone shipments that were a sliver below expectations and a slightly weaker-than-expected revenue target for the September quarter .

  27. 在刚刚结束的第三财季,凭借iPhone手机销量的上涨,苹果公司(Apple)利润增加,但收入却未达到华尔街的预期。

    Apple increased its profits on improved iPhone sales in its recently-ended third quarter , but the company 's reported revenue fell short of Wall Street 's expectations .

  28. 苹果Mac电脑第三财季的销量为440万台,比去年同期增长了18%,比第二财季增长了7%。

    Apple sold 4.4 million Macs last quarter , good for an 18 % increase over last year and up 7 % over the previous quarter .

  29. 虽然第三财季苹果在中国的iPhone销量实现翻番,但相比前一个季度四倍以上的增速还是慢了下来。

    Although Apple 's iPhone sales in China doubled in the third quarter , the growth slowed from more than fivefold in the preceding one .

  30. 上个月,电子商务巨头ebay公布了首次财季收入下滑,而亚马逊公司(amazon)销售额则飙升了18%。

    Last month , ecommerce giant eBay posted its first-ever quarterly revenue decline , while Amazon reported a sales surge of 18 % .