
  • 网络Financial Planning;Financial Planner;Finance for Planning
  1. 你不需要去读MBA,但是要参加一些金融、经济、财务规划、投资(房地产、股票市场)、会计方面的课程或者读一些这些方面的书。

    27.You dont need an MBA , but take some courses or read some books on finance , economics , financial planning , investments ( real estate , stock market ), and accounting .

  2. 对中国公司,尤其是小公司来说,进行全面财务规划的情况并不普遍,因此它们目前仍处于学习过程中。要获得CDM资格,就必须学习。

    It is not very typical for companies here , especially smaller ones , to do comprehensive financial planning , so the learning curve is still going on as they have to do it for the CDM .

  3. 对业主来说,必须尽早明确预算(budgetestimate)用于项目的长期财务规划。

    For the owner , a budget estimate must be adopted early enough for planning long term financing of the facility .

  4. 私人客户投资管理公司brewindolphin的财务规划主管艾伦菲利浦斯(alanphillips)表示:“许多客户对于养老金持保守态度,尽管养老金是可以乐观看待的良好投资载体。”

    Alan Phillips , director of financial planning at brewin dolphin , the private client investment manager , said : " a lot of clients are conservative with pensions despite them being a good vehicle to be bullish with . "

  5. Civitas正在对伦敦的一个特殊问题做出反应。在伦敦,父母们非常担心孩子的上学问题,他们甚至在孩子出生前便开始为学费做财务规划。

    Civitas is responding to a particular problem in the capital , where parents are so concerned about schooling that they regularly start financial planning for fees before a child is even born .

  6. 凯塞尔和舍曼在Abacus采取的财务规划方式受到了金德的影响,两人表示,他们根据研究,而非“情绪和热门建议”来购买股票和债券。他们一般更喜欢被动型指数基金,而非积极管理型基金。

    Messrs. Kessel and Sherman use a Kinder-influenced financial-planning approach at Abacus , and say they buy stocks and bonds based on research instead of ' emotions and hot tips . ' They typically prefer passive index funds to actively managed ones , and unlike panicked investors who fled equities during the financial crisis ,

  7. 没有慎重的财务规划,创业是不可能实现的。

    Businesses literally cannot start up without significant financial planning .

  8. 不管什么年纪,制定一个清晰的财务规划都是好主意。

    A clear-cut financial plan is a good idea at any age .

  9. 企业可持续增长模型及其在融资决策、财务规划中的应用

    On Sustainable Growth Modeling and Its Application in Financing and Financial Planning

  10. 美国个人财务规划业的发展背景与现状

    Background and current situation of development of personal finance planning industry in US

  11. 常见的财务规划结构不中用。

    The usual financial planning structure doesn 't work .

  12. 越来越多的公司还提供财务规划。

    A growing number also offer financial planning .

  13. 商业资本是事实上的航空公司财务规划阶段。

    The business capitalization is the de facto financial planning stage for the airline .

  14. 个人财务规划的研究与应用

    Research and Application on Personal Finacial

  15. 它的理念、财务规划、营销提案均与材料自身一样强大。

    Its concept , financial planning and marketing proposal were as strong as the material itself .

  16. 该调查指出,她们普遍没有信心说自己很精通财务规划。

    The survey also points out that few Chinese women claim to be expert financial planners .

  17. 强劲的财务规划能力。

    Strong financial planning capabilities .

  18. 关于财务规划管理的思考

    Thinking for Financial Plan Management

  19. 找到激发幸福感的源动力,才是制定有效财务规划的金钥匙。

    Find the excitation source for happiness , is the golden key to developing effective financial planning .

  20. 我们希望让中国每个拥有梦想的家庭体验到恒安标准人寿专业化的寿险和财务规划服务。

    We hope every family in China enjoys Heng An Standard Life 's professional financial planning service .

  21. 而个人储蓄计划一般来说缺乏详细的财务规划,难以作为可靠的养老收人来源。

    Personal savings plans generally lack detailed financial planning to be as reliable sources of retirement income .

  22. 本论文以我国的个人财务规划为研究对象,从理论和实务两个方面进行了研究。

    Through theory and real business , the dissertation is research which on personal financial in our country .

  23. 皮特德阿鲁达他自己的财务规划公司负责,并给出了广播节目和电视上的退休意见。

    Pete D'Arruda heads his own financial planning company and gives retirement advice on radio shows and television .

  24. 没有人知道自己明年的实际税率将是多少,因而也无法提前进行财务规划。

    Nobody knows what their effective tax rate is going to be next year so they cannot plan .

  25. 大多数财务规划建议就像大多数新年许愿一样,不是太复杂就是太平庸。

    Most financial-planning advice , like most New Year 's resolutions , is too complex or too banal .

  26. 在并购财务规划中,必须重视对支付方式的选择。

    In planning financial affairs , these enterprises must attach importance to the choice to the means of payment .

  27. 我与几家私人银行有合作,已经开始与它们讨论长期财务规划。

    I work with a couple of private banks , and have begun to discuss long-term financial planning with them .

  28. 为了协助您作完善的财务规划,本讲座也将谈及「终身财富策略」。

    To help you looking at a comprehensive financial planning , this seminar will also disclose " Lifetime Wealth Strategies " .

  29. 中学毕业之后,尼克继续深造,并最终获得了会计及财务规划双学士学位。

    After school Nick went on with further study and obtained a double bachelor degree majoring in accounting and financial planning .

  30. 生活理财和投资理财是个人财务规划的两个方面,并不存在谁高谁低之分。

    It is unscientific . They are two aspects of financial planning . There is no distinction of higher or lower .