
  • 网络Negative incentive;EXC;anti-incentive
  1. 高校管理应该善于运用负激励,遵循尊重原则、公正原则、客观原则、科学原则、系统原则和教育原则等,采取恰当的措施合理运用负激励手段。

    University management ought to be good at applying anti-incentive , and carry out the principle of respect , justice , objectivity , science , system and education . University management also should take timely and appropriate measures of Anti-incentive .

  2. 现代组织管理中应充分发挥负激励的作用

    Modern Organization Management Should Play the Role of Negative Incentive

  3. 负激励可以实现对人更有效、更持久的激励效果;

    Negative-incentive can achieve the more effective and longer incentive effect .

  4. 公务员负激励机制探析

    Study on the Opposite Motivation Mechanism of Civil Servant

  5. 负激励管理作为一种管理方法,其实质是威胁激励。

    Negative-incentive management is a kind of management , its nature is to threaten incentives .

  6. 反腐败:人性预设、制度负激励与制度变迁

    Anti - Corruption : Human Nature of Advance Enactment Institution of Negative Bestirring and Institution of Transition

  7. 由此而产生的负激励理论成为人力资源管理中的一个重要课题。

    So the negative incentive theory becomes an important topic in the area of human resource management .

  8. 当然,负激励的措施和手段大部分存在于企业的相应管理制度中。

    Certainly , negative drive measure and method majority of existences in enterprise 's corresponding control system .

  9. 相反,存在着一种不利于农业部门的“负激励效应”(negativeincentiveeffect)。

    On the contrary , there seems to be a " negative incentive effect " against agriculture .

  10. 负激励机制包括以收入补偿为特征的负激励机制、监督机制、以薪酬制度为特征的负激励机制。

    The negative incentive schemes include : income compensated negative incentive scheme , supervising scheme , salary system .

  11. 具体地讲,就是必须把监管者和被监管者纳入一个系统考虑,综合采用监管的正激励和负激励,寻求系统稳定运行。

    Speaking specifically , we must regard regulators and banks as a system and seek a stable system by combination of both positive and negative motivations .

  12. 这些激励的方式与方法主要包括:注重精神激励,通过精神激励促进教师的人格升华;发挥负激励的作用,运用负激励来促进教师的心理素质提升;

    The main ways of encouragement include : To sublimate teacher 's personality by the spirit encouragement to promote the teacher 's mental quality by negative encouragement ;

  13. 但对村民而言,收入是被一次性补偿,与游客量已无直接关系,这对村民形成负激励。

    But the villagers ' income , in terms of one-time compensation , has no direct relation with tourists flow , which form a negative incentive to the villagers .

  14. 但蔡昉说,负激励效应已经开始出现苗头,尤其是工薪阶层家庭的学生,他们觉得学费和工资损失的代价太大。

    Cai said , myopia is already starting to set in , particularly for working-class students for whom the combination of tuition and lost wages can seem too large a sacrifice .

  15. 通过对比各国一般性转移支付支出需求因素,发现我国一般性转移支付存在很多问题,容易导致负激励,影响到均等化的效果。

    This thesis compares the expenditure-need factors of general grant in China with other countries and finds out the current scheme has some implausible factors that tend to induce negative incentive .

  16. 最后从选择合适的评价主体、确保评价信息的保密性、保持绩效辅导的双向性以及负激励有度四个方面提出绩效评价体系的保障措施,从而使其能够准确而有效的运行。

    Selecting the appropriate appraisal subjects , ensuring the confidentiality of appraisal information , maintaining two-way performance coaching and limiting the negative incentive , so that it can run accurately and efficiently .

  17. 声誉机制也对代理人有隐性激励作用,建议企业在设计业绩型报酬方案时,将代理人的收益和个人声誉联系在一起,对员工行为进行正激励和负激励,以倡导团队合作和公平竞争氛围。

    Reputation of the agent has implicit incentives . A performance-based compensation plan designed for enterprise should link income and personal prestige . The acts of encouraging and punishing employees can create cooperation atmosphere and fair competition .

  18. 在管理实践中,应该正激励负激励相结合,并体现以正激励为主,负激励为辅的特点,严谨细致,有人情味、有针对性、有较强的可操作性。

    In practice , should is incentive negative incentive , and which are incentive is given priority to , negative incentives as the auxiliary characteristic , careful meticulous , human , has pointed , have is feasible .

  19. 文章基于心理学和委托代理理论,探讨了国有企业经营者激励现状,认为国有企业存在显性激励不足、隐性激励有余和负激励缺乏等问题。

    Based on Psychology and the theory of Principal-Agent , this paper analyzes the current situation of incentives of Chinese state-owned enterprises ' managers and finds the phenomena of lack of apparent incentives and absence of negative incentives .

  20. 本人在研究过程中,以公务员经济人或复杂人的视角,分析了负激励对公务员的影响,分析了建立有效的公务员负激励的办法。

    In the course of the study , from the civil servant economic person or complex person perspective , I have analyzed the negative incentive impact for the civil servant and the approach to establish an effective negative incentive .

  21. 组织上调节包括:构建人本关怀的组织环境;开发公务员心理问题解决渠道;引入公务员心理素质检测;正确认识并合理运用负激励机制以及完善绩效管理制度。

    Organizational adaptation includes building up people oriented caring organizational environment , developing solution channels for the psychological issues of civil servants , introducing civil servants psychological qualities detection , correctly recognizing and rationally applying negative incentive and improving performance management system .

  22. 其次要在辅导员激励上把握正确的原则,主要包括坚持以人为本、科学性与系统性相结合、物质激励与精神激励相结合、适时激励与适量激励相结合、正激励与负激励相结合等原则。

    Secondly , school counselors ' incentive should stick to correct principles including the idea of people foremost , combination of scientificity and systematicness , material incentive and spiritual incentive , timely incentive and proper amount incentive and plus incentive and minus incentive .

  23. 然而,如果一个组织的环境不鼓励改进和创新,许多反对意见(称为负激励)会形成平衡循环,它能削弱甚至击垮强化循环的功能。

    However , in the environment of an organization not encouraging improvements and innovations , many objections or rebuttals ( called the " negative " motivations ) can form a " balancing cycle ", which weakens or even defeats the function of a reinforcing cycle .

  24. 这一部分从正激励与负激励相结合、物质激励与精神激励相结合等激励原则出发,从校园文化建设以及激励制度等方面来增强高校女大学生激励机制效果。

    This section discusses positive motivation and negative motivation , material motivation and spiritual motivation . In order to enhance the effects of the motivation mechanism of female undergraduates , we can carry out the work of female undergraduates from the construction of campus culture and motivation system .

  25. 最后本文指出了研究中存在的不足,包括外部效度相较于内部效度而言偏低、样本选取具有地域局限、调查问卷负激励题项不足、非物质激励欠缺定量测量等方面。

    Finally , the paper pointed out the shortcomings in the study , including the external validity compared to the low side in terms of internal validity , the sample selected geographical limitations , the survey questionnaire negative incentive items less than non-material incentives lack of quantitative measurement .

  26. 焊接钢桥结构持续损伤至破坏的过程可以从两方面加以分析:一方面要考虑此过程中能量的耗散;另一方面要考虑此过程中焊接部位损伤负向激励。

    For the behavior of structure fracture , the dissipation of energy and the damage of passive encourage should be taken into consideration in the course of dynamic damage .

  27. 事实上,外在性激励有隐藏成本,在某种意义上,它们仅仅在短期弱加强了委托人所需求的行为,而且在重复契约中,一旦委托人撤出这种激励,就会对代理人形成负向激励。

    In the sense that they are only weak reinforces of the desired behavior by the principal . In the short run , and become negative reinforces once withdrawn .

  28. 与此同时,美国政府以诱人的负所得税来激励低收入劳动者,负所得税让再就业者可以领到更高的税后工资。

    Meanwhile , the government dangled a juicy negative income tax in front of low-income workers , boosting pay for those who re-entered the work force .

  29. 同时,除高管股权激励比例外,股权激励方案中的有效期与上市公司业绩呈负相关关系,激励模式的选择对上市公司业绩的影响不大。

    At the same time , except the equity incentives proportion , the period of validity is inversely related to the listed company performance , and the relationship between incentives model and company performance is negligible .