
xiànɡ hǎi bào
  • elephant seal;sea elephant
  1. 等候远离浅水处的象海豹出现

    waiting for a seal to stray out of the shallows .

  2. 公象海豹争夺海滩霸主的头衔。

    The males fight for the title of dominant beach master .

  3. 另一只象海豹开始游进水�

    Another seal has started to swim into the pool .

  4. 象海豹躺在一片岩架边缘

    The seal is lying right on the edge of a rocky ledge ,

  5. 一只成年的雄性南象海豹正在用鳍足把沙子甩到身上,使自己凉快一点。

    A southern elephant seal bull keeps cool under a flipperful of sand .

  6. 他现在觉得自己是只象海豹。

    Now he thinks he 's an elephant seal .

  7. 南极乔治王岛象海豹数量的初步估计

    A preliminary estimate of the elephant seal in King George Island of the Antarctic

  8. 一只涉水的象海豹引起它的注意

    A floundering seal catches her attention ...

  9. 无耳品种包括象海豹、斑海豹、格陵兰海豹和豹形海豹。

    Earless species include the elephant seal , harbor seal , harp seal , and leopard seal .

  10. 海滩边的象海豹一头雄性象海豹独自伏在女眷群旁边,向里张望着。

    Elephant Seal Near ShoreOutside looking in , a lone male elephant seal lurks at the edge of a harem .

  11. 在设得兰群岛的一个遍布卵石的海滩,这只象海豹挨了一只巴布亚企鹅的狠狠一啄。

    This elephant seal was pecked on the bottom by a gentoo penguin on a pebbly beach in the Shetland Islands

  12. 其他的企鹅似乎对那只象海豹的哭喊视若无睹,只有一只抬头凝望,见证了这一行为。

    The other penguins seemed rather unperturbed by the seal cry , with only one gazing up to witness the action .

  13. 企鹅以犀利的喙一记狠啄直接命中象海豹,象海豹大吃一惊,疼得哭喊出来。

    The sharp peck from the penguin 's beak caught the seal by surprise and led to it crying out in pain

  14. 当这只象海豹误闯入企鹅聚集的海滩时,这些企鹅不打算轻易妥协。

    When this elephant seal strayed on to their bit of the beach , these penguins weren 't going to take it lying down . & nbsp ;

  15. 结果,在南极洲南设得兰群岛的巴布亚企鹅驱逐了入侵者。这只年轻的象海豹后面挨了一记火辣的狠啄。

    As a result , the young seal suffered a painful pinch on the behind as the gentoo penguins on Antarctica 's South Shetland Islands saw off the intruder . & nbsp ;