
xiè mù
  • answer a curtain call;respond to a curtain call;acknowledge the applause
谢幕 [xiè mù]
  • [answer a curtain call] 演出结束后,演员在台前向观众敬礼,表示谢意

谢幕[xiè mù]
  1. 他们谢幕多达23次。

    They took 23 curtain calls .

  2. 现在《theXFactor》已在英国谢幕,大家看的电视节目都不一样了,因此很难找到谈话话题。

    Now that The X Factor is finished in the UK , no one watches the same things on telly and so topics of conversation are hard to find .

  3. 纪念版封面上,这位已故NBA传奇人物身穿他的24号湖人球衣,面向球迷谢幕。

    The commemorative cover features the late NBA legend in his number 24 Lakers ' jersey , in front of a crowd of fans .

  4. 男星丹·史蒂文斯已经从《唐顿庄园》谢幕,但他可能又要出现在一幕经典英剧中了。据悉他有望在BBC筹拍的《傲慢与偏见》衍生剧中出演众人梦寐以求的角色——达西先生。

    Former Downton Abbey star Dan Stevens looks set to be swapping one stately home for another as he is the favourite to take a coveted role in a Pride And Prejudice spin-off .

  5. 自那以后,20国集团(g20)峰会开幕谢幕,英国发布了银行纾困方案细节,银行间贷款利率下降,一些银行甚至公布了不错的业绩。

    Since then , the G20 has come and gone , details of the US bank bail-out package have been released , interbank lending rates have fallen , and some banks have even reported reasonable results .

  6. 观众中还有《路德》(Luther)男星伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(IdrisElba)以及安娜的男友瑞什·伊凡斯(RhysIfans),后者在谢幕时给了安娜做了一个胜利的V字手势。

    Also in the audience were Luther star Idris Elba and Anna 's partner Rhys Ifans , who made V for victory signs to her during the curtain call .

  7. 作为一款近乎完美的英式肌肉车,2015款的阿斯顿马丁V12VantageS跑车在外观上是否将成为20多年来阿斯顿马丁标志性风格的谢幕之作?

    Could the 2015 Aston Martin V12 Vantage S , the nearly perfect British muscle car , be one of the last of the iconic Aston shape ?

  8. 香蕉船的成员在韦德谢幕战再聚首。

    Banana Boat crew forms again for Dwyane Wade 's finale .

  9. 我想,(演员)谢幕起码有四次。

    I think there were at least four curtain calls .

  10. 她对自己一生中遇到的最重要的人,一一做了致辞和谢幕。

    Thank God I gave of my life that Helen might live .

  11. 我和我的生命将会绚丽而骤然的谢幕

    I and my life will shut very beautifully , suddenly

  12. 当演员在舞台上谢幕时,你得热情鼓掌。

    You should applaud warmly while the performers bow on the stage .

  13. 谢幕的时候你还得把我妈推醒。

    And you had to nudge mom awake during the curtain call .

  14. 运动改善健康,奥运凝聚世界。(谢幕时齐唱)

    Sports improve health and Olympic Games unites the world .

  15. 剧终后演员们谢幕达五次之多。

    After the play the actors and actresses took five curtain calls .

  16. 女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。

    The actress was bowing her thanks again and again .

  17. 华丽谢幕,转身离开。

    Gorgeous curtain call , turned around to leave .

  18. 他们一起使劲鼓掌,要嘉莉出来谢幕。

    They joined equally in the burst of applause which called Carrie out .

  19. 演员谢幕时不是坐着不鼓掌。

    Don 't just sit on your hands when actors make curtain calls .

  20. 7月31日上午所有志愿者和当地教师举行谢幕活动。

    Volunteers and local teachers had final performance in the morning of July31st .

  21. 乐队指挥请独奏者上前谢幕。

    The conductor had the soloists take a curtain .

  22. 所以,当2007年就要谢幕时,邀请信又来了。

    So.As2007 draws to a close , invitations arrive .

  23. 不得了,来自皇帝的谢幕啊!

    What a great curtain call from the emperors !

  24. 史料记载克利奥帕特拉筹划了一个光荣而绚烂的谢幕。

    History records that Cleopatra staged a glorious exit .

  25. 人们鼓掌呼叫,使他们一再出场谢幕。

    People clapped and shouted and made them come on again and again .

  26. 昨晚我们谢幕四次。

    Last night we took four curtain calls .

  27. 然后我们一起谢幕。

    Thank you , then take a bow .

  28. 就这样,这次真的是最后的谢幕了。

    In this way , this really is the final curtain call has been .

  29. 所有参加演出的演员在大结局时出现在舞台上谢幕。

    All the performers in the show came on stage for the grand finale .

  30. 观众要求这位演员出来谢幕。

    The audience called for the actor .