
  • 网络Negotiation
  1. 如果课后你留下来,我可以把讲授的内容跟你重讲一遍。667课程提供了丰富的内容予有兴趣教授或学习谈判学的大众。

    If you remain behind after class , I will repeat the instructions to you . 667 includes a wealth of resources for anyone interested in teaching or learning about negotiation .

  2. 本文解释了谈判学理论研究的起源,重点分析了三个主要研究分支,即对策论、社会学社会心理学、决策分析方面的进展和成果。

    Origin of negotiation research is explained in this paper , and development and achievements of three key study branches such as game theory , sociological / social psychology study , and decision-analyzing study are mainly analyzed .

  3. 我的研究生课程包括:行政管理学,谈判学,管理心理学,公共政策分析,人力资源管理等课程。

    My post-graduate courses include : administration of the negotiations , management psychology , public policy analysis , human resource management courses .

  4. 下面的书单对于想深入学习课堂中所教授过的谈判学及冲突管理课题的同学是非常有帮助的。

    A list of useful books on negotiations and conflict management is included for those who would like to learn more about some of the topics in this class .

  5. 论涉外商务谈判中对语用学合作原则的故意偏离电影《非诚勿扰》经典幽默对白析赏&从故意违反会话合作原则角度

    On the Intentional Betrayal of the Cooperative Principle in International Business Negotiations A Study of Humor in If You Are the One & From the Perspective of the CP Maxims Flouting

  6. 重庆谈判国共双方各自的根本利益不同,但还能达成《会谈纪要》,从谈判学视角分析,其根本原因在于国共双方共同遵循了一般谈判准则,即遵循着谋求与扩大彼此共同利益的准则;

    The two parties of Chongqing Negotiation represent fundamentally different benefits respectively but have reached an agreement .