
  1. 这一集体谈判原则已经成为该国劳动关系的重要基础。

    This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country .

  2. 国际谈判原则和准则(草案)

    Principles and Guidelines for International Negotiations ( draft )

  3. 首先,商务谈判原则及其语言之间的关系有必要运用礼貌语言策略。

    To start with , the interrelation between the principles of business negotiation and its language necessitates the strategy of politeness language .

  4. 透过影带的例子来验证谈判的原则。

    Video clip demonstrating the principles of negotiation , via case examples.D.Laws .

  5. 国际谈判指导原则草案

    Guiding principles for international negotiations , draft

  6. 上课期间,学生必须团队工作,以应用实际谈判的原则。

    During the course , students will work in teams to apply the principles in practical negotiations .

  7. 解决全球经济失衡,不可能成为中美谈判的原则在中美谈判中,欧洲国家是旁观者。

    Addressing global economic imbalances cannot be code for a discussion between America and China , in which European countries are bystanders .

  8. 安德森说:「虽然许多建议仍需透过国际海事组织进行多边谈判,原则上澳洲政府支持这些建议。」

    " Although many proposals still need multilateral negotiations , the Australian government , in principle , supports the proposals ," said Anderson .

  9. 在没有达成合意则不负责任的谈判磋商原则下,即使一方在缔约阶段有过错,并因此给对方造成损失,如果合同不成立,那么有过错的一方不负责任。

    In the " not yet reached a desired are irresponsible ," the principle of negotiation , even if there is no party in the stage , and thus causing loss to the other party , if the contract is not formed , then at fault irresponsible .

  10. 关于进一步限制进攻性战略武器谈判的基本原则

    Basic Principles of Negotiations on the Further Limitations of Strategic Offensive Arms

  11. 12.中国代表表示,实现权利与义务的平衡是其加入wto谈判中的基本原则。

    12 . The representative of China stated that the achievement of balance between rights and obligations was the basic principle in its negotiation of WTO accession .

  12. 我们不能跟这些人谈判,这是原则。

    On principle , I can 't negotiate with these people .

  13. 从巴厘到哥本哈根:气候变化谈判的态势和原则

    Progress and Principle of Negotiating on Climate Change & The Road from Bali to Copenhagen

  14. 其中一名知情人士表示,各方在周三于巴黎举行的谈判中已经达成原则协议,下周将签约。

    One of the people said an agreement in principle was reached in talks in Paris on Wednesday and was set to be signed next week .

  15. 为了在谈判中争取主动,顺利地驾驭谈判过程,就要求我国的谈判人员对自身的谈判理论、原则、策略与方法进行不断的调整与改进。

    To bring the negotiation under our control , Chinese negotiators should regularly improve and adjust the negotiation theory , policy , strategy and method .