
  1. 后勤供需关系调控目标取向及参数选择

    Regulation of logistic supply and demand : selection of targets and parameters

  2. 选择这样的宏观调控目标是必要的,也是可以做到的。

    Such a macro-control goal is both necessary and feasible .

  3. 用中国的菲利普斯曲线看适度从紧的宏观调控目标

    The Moderately Tight Macro Controlling Goal Seen from the Chinese Philips Curve

  4. 1998年中国经济社会发展调控目标和主要任务

    Macro-Control Targets and Major Tasks for Economic and Social Development in 1998

  5. 我国竞技体育人力资源调控目标与任务初探

    On the Goal and Task of Chinese Elite Manpower Resources in Sports Period

  6. 中央银行中间调控目标的发展趋势:利率的胜出

    The Achievement of the Intermediary Objective of Monetary Policy Trends towards Interest Rate

  7. 政府宏观调控目标分总目标和具体目标两个层面。

    Governmental adjustment can be classified as the general aim and the detailed aim .

  8. 房地产市场的宏观调控目标与政策边界

    On the Objectives and Policy Confines of Macro Control over the Real Estate Market

  9. 加强人工成本管理,有助于加强国家对企业分配宏观调控目标在企业的自我实现。

    It is helpful to realize the government 's macroscopical goals of distribution to enterprises .

  10. 可经济运行的实际情况却是,即定调控目标屡遭突破。

    However , the reality of economic operation was the expected goals were frequently missed .

  11. 利率走廊与利率平滑及我国利率调控目标模式探讨

    Interest Rate Corridor with Interest Rate Smoothing and the Study of China Interest Rate Control Mode

  12. 20世纪90年代,我国经济调控目标开始由直接目标向间接目标过渡。

    In 1990s , the direct target of economic control began to transit to indirect ones .

  13. 积极财政政策退出,应当适应经济形势的变化,在调控目标、调控方式、调控手段和方法组合上进行适时调整。

    The paper points out that fading out of actively fiscal policy should combine with the changes of situations .

  14. 健全现代市场体系,加强宏观调控目标和政策手段机制化建设。

    We should improve the modern market system and strengthen institutional procedures for setting macro-regulation targets and employing policy tools .

  15. 货币政策传导机制畅通与否直接关系到货币政策实施的有效性和国家宏观调控目标的实现。

    Smooth transmission mechanism of monetary policy is directly related to the effectiveness of monetary policy and the national macro-control goals .

  16. 第二节以在商业特许经营领域落实宏观调控目标为目的,界定商业特许经营政府引导行为的边界和具体措施。

    Section 2 defines the boundary and detailed measures of government guiding behavior , with the purpose of realizing macro-control in franchising fields .

  17. 必须加强对汇率政策和货币政策的协调管理,提高调控目标最优解实现的可能性。

    We must strengthen the coordinate management of exchange rate policy and currency policy to promote regulation goal and realize the optimized possibility .

  18. 第二,我国货币政策仍以促进经济增长和保持物价总水平稳定为目标导向,并没有将资产价格纳入货币政策调控目标。

    Secondly , the monetary policy is still economic growth and price stability-oriented , which does not regard asset prices as policy objective .

  19. 目前货币供应量是我国货币政策的一个重要调控目标,但其政策效果却受到越来越多的质疑。

    The money supply is an important control object of monetary policy in China , but the effect of policy is more and more questioned .

  20. 根据经济增长的要求,在十五时期价格总水平的调控目标应为基本稳定、略有上涨,以4%左右为宜。

    So , during that period , the controlling target of general price level should be stable and moderate increase , be about 4 % .

  21. 在这种情况下,中央提出了保增长、控通胀的一保一控宏观经济调控目标。

    In this case , the central authorities put forward to maintain growth , controlled inflation , " guarantee a controlled " macro-economic control targets .

  22. 定义了森林景观斑块耦合网络的演化动力学模型,提出了森林景观经营的调控目标和调控策略。

    Defined the evolution dynamics model of the forest landscape patches coupling network , put forward the control objectives and control strategy of forest landscape management .

  23. 在可预知的技术进步和人口压力背景下,耕地总量动态平衡方程为区域耕地系统的状态规定了调控目标;

    Total arable land dynamic balance equation stipulates the control subject for the regional arable land system un-der the base of predictable technology and population pressure .

  24. 在不同的经济情况和宏观调控目标下,我们应该使用不同的弥补赤字的工具,以使经济向着更健康的方向发展。

    Under different economic conditions and macro-goal of controlling , we should use the different tools to covering the deficit , so that economy could develop healthier .

  25. 各国学者也纷纷研究股票价格与货币政策的关系,研究的焦点主要在于是否应将股票价格列入货币政策的调控目标。

    More scholars to study the relationship between stock market and monetary policy , The key point is whether put the stock price into the monetary policy target .

  26. 从而为农地非农化配置调控目标、评判依据、实现机制和相应的公共政策措施的制订和实施提供理论依据。

    All of these can provide theoretical basis for establishment of controlling aim , evaluating basis , the realizing mechanism and the implement of public polices in farmland conversion .

  27. 为此,应在实施稳健的货币政策和积极的财政政策的同时,确定“就业优先”的宏观经济调控目标。

    Therefore , we should establish " employment priority " as the target of macro economic control , while implementing the prudent monetary policy and the proactive fiscal policy .

  28. 中央储备粮调控目标是应对粮食危机&实现市场粮食价格稳定和紧急供给。

    The objective of control and regulation of state grain reserves is to mitigate food supply crises , i.e. to achieve market stability of food prices and emergency supply .

  29. 1995年央行宣布把货币供应量列为货币政策的控制目标之一,并从1996年开始公布年度货币供应量调控目标。

    The central bank announced in 1995 that money supply became one of the monetary policy targets , and began to release annual target of money supply control since 1996 .

  30. 2003年以来我国的宏观经济形势,从经济增长、就业、物价、国际收支平衡四大宏观调控目标来看,总体上是好的。

    Evaluated from the four macro-regulation targets , which are economic increase , employment , inflation index and international balance of payment , the current macro-economic situation in China is overall satisfactory .