
tiáo wèi pǐn
  • condiment;seasoning;dressing;flavouring;relish
调味品 [tiáo wèi pǐn]
  • [flavouring;condiment;seasoning] 用来调味的物品(如咖喱粉或辣粉、番茄酱)

调味品[tiáo wèi pǐn]
  1. 鱼露是沿海地区的传统发酵调味品。

    Fish sauce is a traditional fermented condiment in coastal areas .

  2. 友谊是人生的调味品,也是人生的止痛药。

    Friendship is not only the condiment but also the anodyne of life .

  3. 这种调味品会给菜肴添加一种东方风味。

    The spice imparts an Eastern flavour to the dish .

  4. 这条鱼是生吃的,未经蒸煮,也没加任何调味品。

    The fish is served au naturel , uncooked and with nothing added .

  5. 这种食品不含人工调味品。

    This food contains no artificial flavourings .

  6. 味道浓烈的上好调味品和香甜的干果形成有趣的对比。

    A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit .

  7. 我们这一系列的药草茶不含防腐剂、色素以及人工调味品。

    Our range of herbal teas contain no preservatives , colourings or artificial flavourings .

  8. 这个菜里调味品加得太多了。

    There is too much flavouring in the dish .

  9. 调味品加得太多了,再掺些水吧。

    This flavouring is too strong ; let 's water it down a bit .

  10. 别放太多调味品,这样往往会太咸。

    Go easy on condiments , they tend to be salty .

  11. 有巧克力粉,辣椒,和其他的调味品。

    It has chocolate , chili , and other spices .

  12. 盐是最常用的调味品。

    Salt is the most common seasoning .

  13. 调味品中Ca、Fe、Zn含量的测定

    Determination of Ca , Fe and Zn in vinegar and sauce

  14. 反相HPLC快速测定调味品中有机酸

    Fast determination of organic acid in the condiment by reversed-phase HPLC

  15. PVC薄膜味觉传感器阵列对调味品和软饮料的识别

    Recognition of Condiments and Soft Drinks with PVC Membrane Taste Sensor Array

  16. UV法快速测定休闲食品、调味品中山梨酸的含量

    Rapid determination of Sorbic Acid Content in Snack foods and Condiments by UV Spectrophotometry

  17. 此方法能很好的检测出调味品中的被禁用的非食用色素苏丹I~IV。

    This method can be used of determining forbiden food colouring SudanI ~ IV.

  18. (season被误为seasoning调味品)每年春天,鲑鱼逆流而上游到勺子里。

    In spring , the salmon swim upstream to spoon .

  19. HACCP管理体系在调味品生产中的应用

    The Application of HACCP System during the Seasoning Production

  20. 辣椒营养丰富,其维生素C含量居各类蔬菜含量之首,辣椒也是一种具有特殊芳香的调味品。

    Pepper is full rich in nutrition . It has the maximum content of vitamin C compared with other vegetables . It is regarded as a kind of special aromatic condiment .

  21. 用原子吸收光谱法对济南市区酿造厂生产的市售调味品,随机采集13个品牌进行Ca、Fe、Zn含量的测定。

    The contents of Ca , Fe and Zn in 13 kinds of flavourings randomly sampled from Jinan Brewery were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry .

  22. 详细介绍了水解酸化和序列间歇式活性污泥法(SBR法工艺)处理调味品废水的工艺流程、综合废水的水质、水量、工艺参数及主要经济技术指标、实际运行效果及分析。

    Hydrolysis-acidification and SBR are applied to the seasoning-bearing wastewater treatment . The complex wastewater , water quantity , technical parameters and main economic and technical guidelines , practical running effect and analysis are introduced .

  23. 我隐约记得但无法证实列宁(lenin)曾以免费调味品为例,证明某些产品可以免费,而无需实行定量配给。

    I dimly recall but have not been able to confirm - that Lenin held up free condiments as an example of the way goods could be free and yet not rationed .

  24. 早期进入中国调味品市场的McCormick&Company,Incorporated(美国味可美公司),其全球经营战略已将中国确定为重点市场,将大幅度增加投资,扩大经营规模。

    As an early bird in China condiment market , McCormick & Company Incorporated has now made China the important market in its global strategy . It has promised to make further investment to expand its overall business in China .

  25. 经济衰退促使味好美五香粉公司(McCormickSpices)打破了内部传统观念&从一家调味品制造企业升级并重新定位为健康经济膳食专家。

    The recession led McCormick spices to challenge its internal orthodoxy that it was a spice manufacturer and position itself instead as an enabler of healthy and affordable meals .

  26. 也许,很多中国人会惊讶地发现“ketchup”(番茄酱),这个西方快餐中的常见调味品,原来出自闽南语中的“番茄汁”一词。

    It might be surprising for most Chinese people to know that ketchup , a sauce closely associated with Western fast food , comes from the Hokkienese for tomato juice .

  27. 选取烧烤和腌腊鱼肉、禽肉类制品、粉肠及调味品等十个具有代表性的中国传统加工食物样品,用乙醚和/或甲醇提取,再过XAD-2树脂柱,以Ames试验进行致突变性检测。

    The mutagenicity of ten Chinese traditional processed food samples which include heated , salted and smoked fish , mutton , pork , beef and poultry was studied using the Ames Salmonella typhimurium test .

  28. 在中国,大多数餐馆和家庭厨房都有一大袋MSG结晶体,中文称作味精,或“调味品”,人们在各种风味的菜肴里都搁上一点儿。

    Most restaurants and home kitchens in China have a big bag of MSG crystals , known in Chinese as weijing , or " flavour essence ", and they toss it liberally into all kinds of savoury dishes .

  29. 花椒(ZanthoxylumbungeanumMaxim)原产于我国,为芸香科、花椒属落叶灌木或小乔木,是重要的调味品、香料及木本油料树种之一。

    Chinese prickly ash tree ( Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim ), which originally grows in China , belongs to family Rutaceae , and it is one of the important species of the tree for flavors , wood oil and spice .

  30. 大蒜生姜抑菌在青椒调味品非热加工中最佳成分比例为食盐17%,大蒜20%,生姜15%,pH4。

    The optimum conditions of non-thermal processing of garlic inhibition to bacteria on green pepper sauce were : salt content 17 % , garlic content 20 % , ginger content 15 % , pH4 .