
  • 网络Reading
  1. 但是,为了让大熊猫的故事走进美国人的读书生活,我决定试试。

    However , in order for to tell the story of giant panda for Americans , I decided to try .

  2. 而对于我来说,尽管也期待着有个优秀的男孩相伴,一起读书和生活,但这只不过是一个梦罢了。

    As for me , although I am looking forward to having an excellent boy to study and live with me , it is just a dream actually .

  3. 读书是我生活中最大的乐趣之一。

    Reading is one of the great pleasures of my life .

  4. 在印度拥有26家图书连锁店的克劳斯沃兹书店执行总裁斯利拉姆表示,印度人非常具有开创精神,读书是他们生活中不可缺少的一部分。

    Sriram , chief executive officer of crosswords bookstores , a chain of26 book shops around india , says Indians are extremely entrepreneurial and reading " is a fundamental part of their being " .

  5. 让读书伴随我们的生活,因为生活是美好的!

    Let 's start living by reading more because life is good !

  6. 现在我在澳大利亚的悉尼大学读书。学习和生活都不错。

    I am studying in Sydney Unuiversity of Australia , and both study and life are good .

  7. 现在,我的儿童文学读书小组成了生活中最大快乐活动之一。

    Now my children 's literature reading group is one of the great joys of my life .

  8. 对我前面历代的人们来说,读书天经地义是构成生活的一个重要部分。

    In generations before my own , this was taken for granted as an important part of life .

  9. 女孩子们庆幸地欢笑着,坐在了摆在地上的垫子上,一边读书,一边聊聊生活。

    The girls laugh at the perfect timing of the rain – then sit on mats arranged on the floor , read a bit , and chat about life .

  10. 我的妻子的两个哥哥在主流大学读书,两人生活都丰富多彩,一位是销售员,另一位是建筑工。

    My wife 's two brothers struggled as students at mainstream colleges and both have made wonderful full lives , one as a salesman , the other as a builder .

  11. 温特沃思上校认为,他天生就具有那种忍受痛苦的性格,因为他把强烈的感情同恬静、庄重、矜持的举止融合在一起,而且显然喜欢读书和案犊生活。

    He considered his disposition as of the sort which must suffer heavily , uniting very strong feelings with quiet , serious , and retiring manners , and a decided taste for reading , and sedentary pursuits .

  12. 我喜欢读书,读书是美国生活的重要一部分!

    I love reading ; reading is a big part of my American Life !

  13. 当我们把一个不读书者和一个读书者的生活上的差异比较一下,这一点便很容易明白。

    It 's easy to understand when we compare a non-reader with a reader in the difference of their lives .

  14. 读书在我的梦想和之间架起了一座桥梁,看书让我向梦想接近了一步,读书依然我生活的一。

    Studied the frame got up a bridge in between mine dream and the goal , read lets me even more approach to the dream one step , studies a part which still became me to live .