
  1. 这种特殊的见解点亮了爱因斯坦的相对论说法,时间和空间都是紧密联系的。

    This special insights sparks the birth of Einstein special theory of relativity which says that space and time are deeply connected .

  2. 这就是为什么根据人格理论的说法,随着时间流逝,人格功能停止,我也不再存在。

    That 's why we said on the personality theory , as we went ahead in time , once the P-functioning stops , I don 't exist anymore .

  3. 也许你曾听过这样的说法拖延是窃取时间的贼。

    You might have heard the saying procrastination is the thief of time .

  4. 这一说法的确切成型时间为1783年,是由地质学家米歇尔提出的。

    The actual concept of an object so massive that light could not escape was suggested in1783 by the geologist John Michell .

  5. 但是按照拉尔森的说法,这些预计时间会比实际等待时间长一些,因此游客比预期排队要快,这让他们非常高兴。

    But according to Larson , these times are overestimated so that visitors get to the front of the queue more quickly than they expect . It keeps them happy .