
  • 网络language shift
  1. 你也可以尝试用委婉无害的语言替换掉爆粗时常说的一些话,当你下次在工作中遇到麻烦而大喊“苦难的豆煮玉米”时,同事都会被你逗乐的。

    You could also try substituting innocent words . Everyone will be laughing for real when you yell " Suffering Succotash ! " next time something goes wrong at work .

  2. 分形图的C语言字符串替换程序

    A Character-replacement of C-program of Fractal Graph

  3. 首先讨论了解释性语言宏替换的基本原理、功能特性及其在程序设计中的优点:应用宏替换功能不仅可以使程序的编制更加灵活而且可简化程序的编写。

    This paper discusses the basic principles , function of macro substitution in explanatory programming languages and its advantages in program designing . The application of macro substitution not only makes the programming easier but also simplifies the coding .

  4. 我们只要使用一个等效的多语言库来替换相同语义的函数即可。

    Simply substitute one semantic function with an equivalent that 's multilingual .

  5. 关于语言族强替换性的一个命题

    One Proposition for the Strong Replaceability of Families of Languages

  6. 麦戈文称,找出简历中的陈词滥调,并用“成就型语言”加以替换,可以极大地提高求职成功率。

    McGovern claims that deleting clich é s and using accomplishment-speak instead can give your job hunt a significant boost .

  7. 这种联系体现在用积分给出了语言族具有替换性的一个充分必要条件上,后来,这个充分必要条件又被推广到强替换性上。

    Lei generalized the sufficient and necessary conditions under which families of languages have replaceability , and he introduced a sufficient and necessary condition under which families of languages have strong replaceability .

  8. 翻译是等价目标语言对其源语言的替换。

    It is the replacement of textual material in one language ( SL-the source language ) by equivalent textual material in another language ( TL-target language ) .

  9. 语言族的积分与语言族的替换性和半可识性

    Integration Of Family of Languages and the Replacement Properties and Semi-recognizability of Family of Languages

  10. 当一条消息被翻译成其他语言之后,有可能需要根据目标语言的语法更改替换变量的位置和顺序。

    When a message is translated into another language , the position and order of the substitution variables might have to change to meet the syntax requirements of the target language .

  11. 翻译是两种语言之间的转换,不能简单地用一种语言来替换另一种语言。

    Translation is a shift from one language to another , but not the one that simply uses a language to take the place of the other .