
xiánɡ chá
  • Detailed investigation;sift
  1. 这使得估算者和客户不用投入太多精力就能快速地详查大量的条目。

    This allows the estimator and the customer to quickly sift through a large number of items without allocating substantial effort to any of them .

  2. 他详查档案,寻找欺诈行为的证据

    He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud .

  3. 基于GIS技术B/S模式的土地详查信息系统的结构模式

    A data system based on GIS b / s model for detailed survey

  4. TM假彩色合成卫片在土地详查中的应用

    Apply satellite image of TM false color composite to land investigation

  5. 基于3S技术的土地详查方法创新

    Innovations in methods of land use detailed survey based on 3S Techniques

  6. 在GIS的支持下,修改编辑变化图斑层,建立完整的拓扑关系,并利用GIS的矢量叠加功能,将变化图斑层与详查数据库进行叠加运算,生成新的土地利用数据库文件。

    Finally , using the GIS vector overlay function , the changed map patches layer was overlapped and calculated with detailed database to create the landuse database files .

  7. IP法可以直接发现富含金属硫化物的各类矿体,而被广泛应用于矿产普查、详查及勘探等各个找矿阶段。

    The IP method is widely used in mineral reconnaissance survey because that can directly discover orebodies with rich metallic sulphide , detailed investigation , and detailed exploration .

  8. 方案具数据分布式、三级系统耦合和基于四层数据库模式的Internet多层应用体系结构等特点,可达到详查数据动态、现势的目的。

    The plan is characterized by distributed data , three level system coupling and Internet multi layer application system with a four layer data bank model . And the detailed land survey data can be changed and updated .

  9. 研究结果表明,移动GIS较之于传统方法在信息收集与更新数据方面有很大的优势,在以后国家的土地详查中值得研究与推广。

    The study shows that the mobile GIS has obvious advantage compared with traditional method in data collecting on field and data updating for land use ; so , it can be used widely in land investigation .

  10. 调查以中巴资源卫星CBERS-1数据为主.结合人工详查统计,对抚顺地区土地利用现状、存在问题及变化趋势进行了阐述。

    Based on CBERS-1 data , combined with man-statistical data , land use status , existent problems and changing trend have been discussed .

  11. 利用TM遥感资料,结合8大类土地详查资料,基本查清了位于宁夏中部干旱带具有代表性的沙尘暴高发区盐池县20世纪90年代年际变迁量化特征。

    The year to year quantificational change characteristics in Yanchi county of the drought zone of the middle Ningxia where occurred sandstorm frequently in the 1990s were revealed on the whole by using TM remote sensing and land survey data .

  12. 其中变化信息的发现与提取这一矢量操作模块是该系统的关键步骤,在全国土地详查中,土地利用基础图件大部分是以SHP文件格式存储的。

    Among this , the vector operation module , that is , the discovery and extraction of change information , is the key part of this system .

  13. 伊朗红新月会国际发言人AbdalRaoufAdeeb告诉al-Alam电视台,来自红新月会的救助人员正在详查飞机碎片。

    The international spokesman for Iran 's Red Crescent Society , Abdal Raouf Adeeb , told al-Alam TV rescue workers from his organization are ing through the from the plane .

  14. 一个基于土地利用详查的中国土地资源利用区划新方案

    Land use zoning scheme of China based on detailed land surveys

  15. 高分辨率详查相机窗口热门/防护门的发展概况

    The Development of The Door of High - Resolution Reconnaissance Camera

  16. 空间遥感详查相机输片摄影系统机构运动分析仿真

    Mechanism Analysis and Simulation for Transfer Film Photograph Systems on Space Camera

  17. 他变得和别人一样,不排斥详查自己的过去了。

    His past is no more immune to scrutiny than anyone else 's.

  18. 这篇报道发表之前应该有人对它进行详查。

    Someone should vet this report before it goes out .

  19. 电信管线断面详查的方法

    The Method of Telecommunication Pipeline Section Survey in Detail

  20. 空间详查相机摇摆头反射镜轻量化分析研究

    Study on lightweight mirror of space detail reconnaissance camera

  21. 应用遥感技术详查长江三角洲的水土流失

    Investigating soil loss at delta of the Yangtze River using remote sensing techniques

  22. 土地资源详查数据的联机处理

    On-Line Data Processing for the Survey of Land Resources

  23. 经过对基地的一番详查

    After a very meticulous search of the facility ,

  24. 汶川地震都江堰市建筑结构震害详查与分析

    Survey and analysis on seismic damage of structures of Dujiangyan in the Wenchuan earthquake

  25. 深圳市电信管线断面详查及图形数据库建设

    Surveying of cross section of telecommunication pipeline and creating of the drawing database in Shenzhen city

  26. 详查决策数学模型

    The mathematical model of prospecting decision

  27. 如需要详查请直接与键盘发明者及生产厂商法人代表联系。

    For detailed investigation , please contact the of inventors or the manufacturers'representative of the keyboard directly .

  28. 利用航空象片进行土壤详查制图的技术研究&综合航判制图技术

    Study on detailed soil survey and mapping techniques by using airphotographes & a comprehensive AIRPHOTO-SOIL interpretation and mapping technique

  29. 光学窗口作为空间详查相机光学系统的重要组成部分,对光学性能的要求十分苛刻。

    Optical window with strict optical index is one of important parts of optical imaging system of space camera .

  30. 863-2动态模拟扫描成像实验转台是为了详查普查结合型侦察相机在地面模拟卫星飞行扫描成像而专门设计的半实物仿真转台。

    Turntable for 863-2 dynamic-simulation-scan-imaging experiment is specially designing practicality simulation turntable for sifting and general-checking combining type scout camera ;