
  1. 伦敦德华七世国王医院的一位护士在澳大利亚2DayFM之声的主播恶作剧电话后,疑似因此自杀身亡。事件发生后,医院方面措辞强硬,致信谴责该之声的恶劣行径。

    The hospital , where a nurse apparently committed suicide after being duped by two DJs from Australian radio station 2DayFM , has condemned the radio station in a strongly worded letter .

  2. WMO发布该数据之际,英国政府科学家表示,人类可能要对异常气温负责。

    The data came as British government scientists said that humans were likely to be responsible for the exceptional temperatures .

  3. 其中一只由BBC保存以做为该厂家之工作参考标准,另一只则被调校到符合BBC自己的参考标准,该参考标准喇叭出自BBC最初自行制造的一批。

    One of these is kept by the Corporation as that licensee 's working reference , while the other is tweaked so that it matches the BBC 's own reference , a unit from the very first in-house batch .

  4. IASB公布该提案之际,随着全球经济低迷侵蚀了消费者和企业偿还债务的能力,银行现有贷款的损失不断扩大。

    The proposals , published by the International Accounting Standards Board , come as banks report mounting losses on existing loans as the global economic downturn erodes the ability of both consumers and companies to pay back debts .

  5. 未来的工作方向,将是寻找ret41之突变基因并了解该基因之功能,所得到的资讯,可以帮助我们了解乙烯参与在植物不同发育时期的作用。

    Future work to clone and characterize the gene mutated in ret41 will provide insightful information of the involvement of ethylene in different stages of plant development .

  6. 如果CQARA解散或结束,本会之剩馀物资将会送赠到其他香港之非弁利或慈善机构而当该机构之目标与本会相同。

    If CQARA is dissolved or wound up , any remaining assets will be distributed to non-profit or charitable organizations in Hong Kong , with preference given to organizations with goals similar to CQARA .

  7. 该公司之挽回财产损失

    The retrieval of the company 's fortunes Current asset losses in suspense

  8. 该男子之面貌与凶手的相貌描述符合。

    The man 's features answer to the description of the murderer .

  9. 或贩卖、运送、输出或输入使用该表征之商品者。

    Or selling , transporting , exporting or importing goods bearing such representation .

  10. 他为该犯人之诚实作证。

    He bore testimony to the prisoner 's honesty .

  11. 给予某人做该事之许可

    Give a person a license to do it

  12. 该义务之设置乃保险业正常经营之需求及保险合同之特性所致。

    The obligation is set for the needs of normal operation of the insurance industry .

  13. 问卷调查的对象主要是该公司之人事主管,总计有效问卷为82份。

    The feedback of total of82 questionnaires are obtained and used to conduct empirical study .

  14. 因此,该宣布之采用,不违反任何国际法适用规定。

    Consequently the adoption of that declaration did not violate any applicable rule of international law .

  15. 引论在本文中起到的是引出问题和揭示探讨该问题之宏观理论背景的作用。

    Introduction is aimed to induct the questions and discover the magnificent background behind these questions .

  16. 在任何一格上按住滑鼠左键并拖曳,可将该格之状态复制至其它格子。

    Click any cell and drag will copy the state of the clicked cells to others .

  17. 他向她大献殷勤,百般赞美,直到她同意做他的妻子.米勒给柴斯特菲尔德贵夫人画了一副像,该像之美简直超过了她本人。

    He showered her with kindness and words of praise until she consented to be his wife .

  18. 据统计,糖尿病患者中有30%的住院病人和20%的非住院病人罹受着该疾病之苦。

    Some 30 % of hospitalized and 20 % of community-dwelling diabetic patients suffered from peripheral neuropathy .

  19. 给他人造成的损害由法律上被归责者负赔偿该损害之责任。

    A person to whom damage to another is legally attributed is liable to compensate that damage .

  20. 世界银行的所有业务活动,均得受该原则之拘束,无一例外。

    All the business activities of the World Bank are subject to this rule without any exception .

  21. 做该做之事,做正确之事

    Do the Right Thing

  22. 对于你一直以来花了很长时间投入很大精力的业余爱好,是该将之结束的时候了。

    Now is the time for completing hobbies that you 've been working on for a long time .

  23. 最重要的是,要保留列有内幕交易时其它支持购买该股之理由的记录。

    Most important , keep a contemporaneous record of reasons to buy the stock other than the tip .

  24. 她是癌症研究的高级编辑成员,且不在该研究之列。

    She is a senior editorial board member of Cancer Research and was not involved in the study .

  25. 本研究并以一个案例系统说明应用该方法之塑模概念、系统实作与优点。

    In this thesis , we present a new design methodology for speeding up BIOS by Component-Based Software Development .

  26. 该单位之管理者对稽核所发现之缺失应适时采取矫正措施。

    The management personnel responsible for the area shall take timely corrective action on the deficiencies found during the audit .

  27. 他们也必须及时地向该研究之资助方的专利官员披露潜在的重要发现。

    They may also have to disclose potentially valuable discoveries promptly to the patent official of the organization sponsoring the research .

  28. 因此,我国爱情电影在未来也该向之学习,发展出有中国特色婚恋观的爱情电影。

    Therefore , our country should also love movies to learn in the future , thedevelopment of Chinese marriage love movie .

  29. 若你现在居住在非原国籍地,是否具有再进入该国之许可?

    If you reside in a country other than your country of origin , have you permission to return to that country ?

  30. 此项退出通知在比利时政府收到该通知之日后一年生效。

    The denunciation shall take effect one year after the date on which the notification has been received by the Belgian Government .