
  1. 这些译著在张文定先生的指导下已经由北京大学出版社未名译库出版。

    Their translations were published by the Weiming Translation Library of Peking University Press under the guidance of Zhang Wending .

  2. 构词法在智能英汉机译系统词典库中的应用

    The application of lexical morphology to the lexicon of IMT e / c system

  3. 目前多数机译系统的知识库都是由人工静态建立的,系统不能自行对其进行扩充。

    At present , knowledge bases of most MT systems are manually constructed , and systems cannot expand the knowledge bases by themselves .

  4. 把确立的尾矿库地物特征作为解译样本,解译调查区内的尾矿库,并对解译出来尾矿库的数量,面积,所属矿种、使用情况进行统计分析。

    Surface features to establish the characteristics of tailings samples as interpretation , interpreting survey area of tailings , and tailings from the number of interpretation , owned minerals , the use of statistical analysis .