
zhěn duàn yònɡ yào
  • diagnostic agents
  1. 从目录药品种类上看,十八省市增补种类上差异较大的主要有麻醉药、解毒药、诊断用药等,不同的省市之间增补数量存在较大差异。

    Looking from the categories of listed medicines , there are large differences in anesthetics , antidotes , diagnostics , drugs and so on .

  2. 诊断性用药、细针穿刺活检、T3、T4及吸碘率的测定对于明确诊断有重要意义。

    Diagnostic medicine , fine needle aspiration biopsy , T3 , T4 , TSH and the survey of iodine uptake rate biopsy is helpful for the prevention of the postoperative Hypothyroidism .

  3. 经过诊断、用药,然后被遗弃

    I 'd been diagnosed , drugged and discarded ,

  4. 记录患者一般情况(包括年龄、性别、病程等)及患者的现病史、既往史、诊断及用药情况。

    Records of patients with general conditions ( including age , gender , disease duration , etc. ) and in patients with history of present illness , past history , diagnosis , and drug use .

  5. 结论采用TCD与EEG相结合对儿童偏头痛的诊断和选择用药具有重大价值。

    Conclusion TCD associate with EEG had great value in the diagnosis and choice of medicine in the children with migraine .

  6. 目的了解院内深部真菌感染的流行病学情况,以及诊断和预防用药情况。

    Objective To investigate epidemiologic factors , diagnosis and prevention of nosocomial fungal infections .

  7. 结论进行药物流产时,早诊断,早用药可提高完全流产率并减少阴道流血天数。

    Conclusion For drug abortion , early diagnosis and medication may improve the rate of complete abortion and reduce the days of colporrhagia .

  8. 支原体检查及药敏试验对正确诊断、合理用药、提高疗效起重要作用。

    So , the detection of mycoplasma and drug sensitive test play important roles in the diagnosis , rational medicine treatment and improving effects .

  9. 目的探讨肺炎克雷伯菌败血症临床特点和致病菌药敏情况,为临床诊断和合理用药提供依据。

    Objective To analyse the clinical characteristics of Klebsiella pneumoniae septicemia and bacterial drug resistance so as to guide clinical diagnosis and rational use of antimicrobial agents .

  10. 目的探讨革兰阴性菌败血症临床特点和致病菌耐药性的变化,指导临床诊断和合理用药。

    Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of septicemia that caused by Gram-negative bacteria and bacterial drug-resistance , and to guide clinical diagnosis and rational use of antimicrobials .

  11. 目的:观察幼儿急疹临床特点与中医疗效,为早期诊断及合理用药提供依据。

    Objective : To observe clinical characteristics of exanthema subitum and the effect of Chinese medicine on it , in order to provide the basis for diagnosing the patient at the earlier period and for the reasonable use of the medicine .

  12. 中国医生现在依据西方的数据作诊断,并决定用药,如高所说,这是远远不够理想的。

    Chinese doctors now rely on western data when making diagnoses and deciding on drug protocols , which Gao said was far from ideal .

  13. 从古文献溯源、病因病机分析、主要症状的鉴别诊断以及选方用药的原则诸方面对中医中药从肝脾论治肠易激综合征的研究进展作了概述,并就发展前景作了展望。

    This paper summarizes the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome through liver and spleen from the perspectives of medical literature , etiology , pathogenesis , diagnosis and differential diagnosis , and brings about some prospects .

  14. 结论隐球菌定量计数法是一种比较直观、快速、有效的实验室方法,实验室所提供的数据,能很好地协助临床诊断和指导临床用药。

    Conclusion The quantitative counting method is a rapid and effective laboratory technique and the results can be directly observed in addition to that the laboratory findings are useful for guidance of clinical diagnosis and treatment .

  15. 结论丫啶橙荧光染色法进行结膜印迹细胞学检查可以确认结膜细胞鳞状化生的程度,为干燥性角结膜炎病变程度提供临床分级、定量诊断,指导临床用药。

    Conclusion Corneal impression cell test with acridine orange fluorescent staining can determine the degree of squamous metaplasia of conjunctival cells , thus providing a grading criterion for keratoconjunctivitis sicca and a reference for its clinical treatment .

  16. 认真贯彻执行《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》能够增强合理用药意识,提高感染标本送检率、诊断符合率、用药正确率,减少抗菌药物滥用和其它不合理用药。

    Serious implementation of the " Guiding principle " lead to improvement of consciousness to rational drug use , increases in specimen submission rate , diagnosis coincidence rate , correctness rate in drug use , and decreases in the abusement and other irrational use of antimicrobial drugs .