
Part four is the types of litigation surprise .
Part three is about the characteristic and significant factor of litigation surprise .
A second proposal is the establishment of rectifying mechanism in reply to litigation surprise .
There can be two major types . One is deliberate conduction of litigation surprise .
Litigation Surprise and Its Legal Control
Based on this present situation , strengthening the legal regulation of civil litigation surprise is urgently required .
The dissertation makes three proposals with regard to this : One is the mandatory mechanism in reply to litigation surprise .
If the purpose is to avoid the assault , the judge 's clarification can be extended to the field of doctrine of exofficio .
Trying ultimate front preparation procedure purpose all is centralization for realization hear that , the legal action avoiding an interested party strikes at , efficiency improving court hearing .
It firstly " outlines " the different forms of litigation surprise from the perspective of case study , and thereafter points out the core subject of the dissertation .
Part two is about the essence of litigation surprise . The dissertation recalls the theoretical evolution of litigation and expatiates on the relation between litigation surprise and litigation activity .
Secondly , it can defect evidence assault . Help the weak clients , ensure fair rivalry , restrict the influences of suit skills and abilities on the result of litigation , and achieve the aim of impartiality of the procedure and the result .
Considering the initiating , processing and its consequent litigation result , the subject of litigation surprise should be the party and the court .
We hold that , the inchoative discussion on Litigation Surprise in the 1980s in Taiwan has provided important theoretical guidance and practical reference for the reform of the current civil litigation institution , especially the current court trial system .
It points out that the essence of litigation surprise is , from the perspective of the relation between litigation subjects and relation of civil procedure law , a kind of litigation activity .
The existence of pre-trial proceedings in civil actions aims at providing equal opportunity for parties to take proceedings , avoiding unexpected attack in actions , and sorting out controversy points of cases , so as to maximize the function of court judicial system and centralize court trial .
Once the procedure and the result exhibit any uncertainties , litigation surprise is to be motivated by the maximization of gains .
Besides of the value of promoting concentration of the trail and improving the litigation efficiency , this legal system can prevent the litigation surprise from the parties , and realize the equality in litigation .
The dissertation holds that due to the asymmetrical distribution of the litigation information and the relation between behavior option and gains , the party may make converse choices to seek improper gains .