
  1. 证券投资咨询信息的价值分析

    A Value Analysis of Consulting Information on the Investment of Securities

  2. 我国证券投资咨询机构的发展对策探析

    Development Measures of Securities Investment Consultancy Services of China

  3. 证券投资咨询、其他金融资产管理机构的具体标准另行规定。

    Specific standards for securities investment consulting institutes and other financial assets management agencies shall be formulated separately .

  4. 第二部分着重介绍证券投资咨询机构及其证券分析师对于证券市场、一般投资者来说其主要功能与作用。

    The second part focuses on main function and role of securities investment advisory and securities analyst to the stock market and retail investors .

  5. 证券投资咨询机构、资信评估机构的设立条件、审批程序和业务规则,由国务院证券监督管理机构规定。

    The State Council 's securities regulatory body shall stipulate the conditions and approval procedures , as well as the operating rules for setting up and governing such institutions .

  6. 其二,行政监管机构没有充分发挥专业监管者的职能,对证券投资咨询机构的违法违规行为监管低效。

    Second , administration authority did not pay enough attention to the functions of the major regulators , and kept low efficiency in supervising securities investment agencies ' illegal conducts .

  7. 第一百五十八条专业的证券投资咨询机构、资信评估机构的业务人员,必须具备证券专业知识和从事证券业务二年以上经验。

    Article 158 . Professionals in securities investment consultation institutions and credit evaluation institutions must possess professional knowledge and more than two years of experience in the securities business area .

  8. 我国证券投资咨询监管法律制度建立于上个世纪90年代,在规范证券投资咨询服务、促进行业健康发展发挥了重要作用。

    The Chinese legislative system on the regulation of securities investment advisers , which was set up in 1990s , has standardized the advisory services and promoted the advisement Industry .

  9. 第一百六十条专业的证券投资咨询机构和资信评估机构,应当按照国务院有关管理部门规定的标准或者收费办法收取服务费用。

    Article 160 . Professional securities investment consultation institutions and credit evaluation institutions shall charge service fees according to the standards or procedures stipulated by the relevant administrative department of the State Council .

  10. 第二部分论述了最佳执行的义务,即证券投资咨询机构及其证券分析师在执行交易时应当以最有利于客户的方式为之。

    The second part discusses the best execution obligations , which is that the securities investment advisory and securities analysts shall choose the best way to the customers in the execution of transactions .

  11. 第一部分主要就证券投资咨询相关基本概念进行简要的界定,先论述有价证券的定义及其范围,然后分析证券投资咨询机构的定义,最后简要分析一下证券分析师的含义及其主要类型。

    The first part mainly defines the basic concepts in relation to securities investment advisory , including the definition and scope of securities , securities investment advisory and the meaning of securities analyst as well as its types .

  12. 通过引入一种新的估计方法&非参数假设检验方法,以达到对证券投资咨询机构对证券市场大盘走势预测准确度的估计。

    A new method on the non parameter hypothesis test is introduced in the estimating the exactness of forecasting the tendency of securities market price , which is often done and announced by some consultation companies for investment in securities .

  13. 证券投资咨询机构及证券分析师是证券市场上吸收和消化信息的重要环节,有利于投资的增长,但同时也可能为谋取私利而损害客户的利益。

    As an important part in securities market absorbing and digesting the market information , securities investment advisory and securities analysts is conducive to the growth of investment and may also gain personal interest at the expense of the interests of customers .

  14. 第一部分主要论述了目前国内外证券投资咨询业常见的利益冲突,包括剥头皮,本人交易,不当劝诱行为及恶意推荐行为,不公平地对待部分客户,保密义务以及顾问合同的转让等等。

    The first part enumerates the common conflict of interest happening in domestic and foreign securities investment consulting industry , including scalping , principal transaction , inappropriate recommendation , and unfair treatment to the clients , breach of confidentiality obligations and the transfer of consultation contracts and so on .

  15. 通过实证对估计结果的分析得出结论,中国证券市场投资咨询机构所提供的对大盘涨跌的预测,每次有一半以上家数正确的概率的极小极大估计为45%。

    Through analyzing the estimation results of Chinese stock market data , it can be assured that the forecasting announcement more than a half accuracy 's probability to the securities market tendency that the securities investing consultation institute giving is about 45 percent .

  16. 第一百五十七条根据证券投资和证券交易业务的需要,可以设立专业的证券投资咨询机构、资信评估机构。

    Article 157 . Professional securities investment consultation institutions and credit evaluation institutions may be set up to meet the needs of securities investments and transactions .

  17. 从事证券工作是指:1、在证券公司、基金管理公司、证券投资咨询公司从事业务工作;

    " Engaging in the work of securities " refers to : 1.engaging in the business of a securities company , fund management company or securities investment consulting company ;

  18. 第三部分在分析比较有价证券与证券市场区别于其他商品与市场的基础上,探讨证券投资咨询与其他咨询行业的区别,以揭示对于证券投资咨询予以特别规制的必要性。

    Basing on the analysis regarding the comparison of securities and securities markets with other markets , the third part explores the difference between securities investment advisory industry and other advisory industry to attach the need of the particular regulation on securities investment advisory .

  19. 网上证券交易是投资者利用因特网取得证券经纪商提供的委托下单服务、证券即时报价以及投资咨询服务实现实时证券交易的新型证券业务委托手段。

    Online Securities Exchanging is a new type of Securities Exchanging method , with which , investors can access online entrustment service provided by Security brokerage companies , and can receive marketing quotes and marketing information .

  20. 证券分析师是指拥有证券投资分析的专业知识和技能,取得政府或行业自律组织颁发的执业资格,具有较高社会信赖度,并在合法机构中从事证券投资咨询业服务并以此获取报酬的专业人士。

    Securities analyst is a typical expert , who has the special knowledge and skills in securities investment analysis , qualified by government or vocational self-discipline organization , highly trusted by the public , rewarded for providing securities investment consultation and analysis as an employer in legitimate institution .