
  1. 网上证券交易存在着交易费用高,交易安全性低,法律、法规滞后,监管不力等问题。

    There are some issues and problems in the securities transaction on internet , such as high transaction cost , low security of trading , stagnant law and regulation and improper supervision and administration .

  2. 超额收益是指股票买卖的总收益中,不仅要扣除印花税和证券交易佣金等交易费用,还要对市场风险进行调整。

    Excess return is the total receipts of stock trading , not only to deduct the Securities and Exchange Commission such as stamp duty and transaction costs , but also to adjust to market risk .

  3. 证券交易佣金作为证券市场制度中交易费用最直接的体现,其变动必然带来证券市场的微观变化。

    As the primary cost of security transaction , the floatation of trading commission would change the microstructure of security market .