
  • Design Director;Director of Design;Art director
  1. 约翰洛林(johnloring)是珠宝品牌tiffany的设计总监,他是那种你在晚宴希望坐在他旁边的人。

    John Loring , the design director of the jeweller Tiffany , is the kind of man you want to sit next to at a dinner party .

  2. 我们出售领结已经有大概一年了,Topman(价格10英镑起)的设计总监戈登理查森(GordonRichardson)说。

    We 've been selling them for about a year , says Gordon Richardson , design director of Topman ( prices from 10 ) .

  3. iOS7的新界面反映了苹果设计总监乔纳森•艾夫(JonathanIve)的感受力。

    The new look of iOS 7 reflects the sensibilities of Apple 's design head , Jonathan Ive , who oversaw the software 's revamp .

  4. 它聘请了苹果的前工业设计总监罗伯特·布伦纳(RobertBrunner)创办的公司Ammunition来设计手机。

    The company hired Ammunition , a firm founded by Robert Brunner , former Apple director of industrial design , to design its phone .

  5. 这是一个神奇的地方,它让咖啡拥有了生命,星巴克的概念设计总监利兹·穆勒(LizMuller)。

    This is a magical place where coffee comes to life , said Liz Muller , director of concept design for Starbucks .

  6. 前苹果设计总监AbigailBrody已经受聘于中国顶级手机制作商华为。

    Former Apple executive Abigail Brody has landed a job at China 's top smartphone maker , Huawei .

  7. 罗伯特o布伦纳曾在1989年到1997年间担任苹果公司工业设计总监,后来也为亚马逊首款电子阅读器Kindle的设计出过一份力。他对Fire手机的前景却要悲观得多。

    Robert Brunner , who served as Apple 's director of industrial design from 1989 to 1997 and later collaborated on the design of Amazon 's first Kindle e-reader , gave a much more pessimistic assessment .

  8. 该公司设计总监提姆&12539;格曼(TimGehman)说:人们总是需要一个地方来摆放餐厅家具。

    ' People are coming with dining room furniture and need a place to use it , ' said Tim Gehman , director of design .

  9. 低端iPhone5c手机使用聚碳酸酯制成,苹果设计总监乔尼•艾维形容聚碳酸酯是一种“不掉价的塑料”。

    The low-end model , made of a polycarbonate that design chief Jony ive referred to as " unapologetically plastic , " will make an iPhone available to absolutely everyone who can buy a smartphone .

  10. 时间快进到2001年,阿斯顿马丁的设计总监已经变成了知名设计师、未来派混合动力豪车生产商亨里克o菲斯克(HenrikFisker)。

    Fast forward to 2001 , when designer and future hybrid luxury car manufacturer Henrik Fisker became the design director for Aston Martin .

  11. CreativeEquals组织希望这将引出性别不平等的问题,因为根据该组织创始人兼首席执行官AliHanan的说法,89.5%的设计总监是男性,这可能会影响一个品牌的身份定位。

    Creative Equals hope that this will bring out the issues of gender inequality because according to the organization 's founder and CEO Ali Hanan , 89.5 percent of design directors are male and it can affect a brand 's identity .

  12. 詹姆斯是科妮莉亚·詹姆斯(CorneliaJames)公司的设计总监。该公司是她母亲于1946年在伦敦创立。她的目标是延续英国的手套制作传统,把它推向更广阔的国际市场。

    As design director of Cornelia James , the company founded by her mother in London in 1946 , Ms. James is working to keep the British glove-making heritage alive and to expand to a broader international market .

  13. 而在巴黎世家(Balenciaga)2017年秋冬季时装发布会上,设计总监戴姆纳瓦萨利亚(DemnaGvasalia)推出了一款印有巴黎世家母公司、奢侈品巨擎开云(Kering)品牌标识的毛衣。

    At Balenciaga AW17 , designer Demna Gvasalia emblazoned a sweater with the logo of the luxury conglomerate group , Kering , which owns the brand .

  14. 但大众集团中国区设计总监罗西蒙(simonloasby)表示,这也是一个充满某种乐观与激情元素的车展,而这在西方几十年前就不再流行。

    But it also a show infused with a kind of optimism and passion that went out of fashion in the West decades ago , says Simon loasby , head of design for Volkswagen in China .

  15. 拉扎克职业生涯的早期曾在eBay担任工程设计总监,不过在那之前,他还曾在三家初创公司工作过,其中一家是他在刚毕业时就已经加入的初创公司。

    Earlier in his career , Razzaq was director of engineering at eBay ( eBay ) but , before that , he worked for three startups & including one he joined right out of college even though , like you , he also had offers from big-name companies .

  16. 每个灯管呈扁平碟状(美其名曰“像素”),公司与菲力浦•史塔克(PhilippeStarck)前设计总监蒂埃里•戈甘(ThierryGaugain)合作。

    They are glare-free , heat-free and recyclable . Each bulb is a flat disc , nicknamed a " pixel , " and the company works with Thierry Gaugain , formerly head of design at Philippe Starck .

  17. 设计总监彼得-霍普金告诉《Fader》杂志说,他的设计灵感来源于尼日利亚队的自信,因此大胆选用了荧光绿色图案,花纹与雄鹰的翼羽相呼应。

    Design director Peter Hopkins told Fader magazine that the Nigerian team 's confidence inspired him in his designs for the kit which has a bold neon green pattern that echoes the pattern of eagle wing feathers .

  18. 在公司里,理查德是行政总监,而安东尼是设计总监。

    He is managing director , while Antony is design director .

  19. 作为设计总监,安东尼负责与中国制造商的联络工作。

    As design director , Antony handles liaison with the manufacturers in China .

  20. 我的头衔是产品设计总监。

    My title is director of product design .

  21. 法国时尚的优雅灵魂卡纷时装设计总监PASCALMILLET

    Fashion Designer PASCAL MILLET

  22. 30年后的今天,卡兰已退居二线(不再担任自己品牌的设计总监),但跨季概念如今比以往任何时候都显得重要。

    Thirty years on , Karan has stepped away from her label but the trans-seasonal concept is more relevant than ever .

  23. 该系统旨在辅助服装设计总监进行快速,准确地服装企划,使得企划的产品具有品牌特色,并且能够前瞻性地作出评估预测,降低服装产品的风险。

    The system could assist the director of fashion design to conduct fast and accurate apparel planning , which endow the garment products with brand characteristics .

  24. 景观设计总监将协助维系客户关系,景观部的日常工作管理,同时培养和激发我们的国际化景观团队的才能和潜能。

    The Director will assist in maintaining strong client relationships ; manage the daily activities of the architecture department while cultivating the talents and potential of our architecture team .

  25. 项目案例覆盖亚太各个地区,大中华区由中国多位著名高端设计师组成,并担任各地区设计总监或负责人。

    Project cases covering asian-pacific each region , by China more famous in the greater China region , and act as high-end designers design director or supervisor various regions .

  26. 苹果公司的设计总监乔纳森·艾维指出,新图标的特点是运用了全新的调色板——之前厚重的原色调已不复存在,取而代之的是具现代感的色彩与基调。

    revamp : Apple 's head of design Jony Ive notes that the new icons feature a new palette of colors - gone are the bold , primary colors of old , replaced by modern shades and tones .

  27. 2007年期担任景初家具设计技术总监;

    Technical Director in JingChu Furniture Design Co. , Ltd. , 2007-2009 ;

  28. 一系列的海报,在意大利的黄金岁月基础上,由不同的艺术家设计的艺术总监进行设计。

    A series of poster based on the golden years of Italian products were designed by different art directors and artist in the agency .

  29. 我们销售了很多房子给中国与印度的买家,所以我们如今认识到住房设计中水放置方位的重要性,Octagon设计总监托尼泰勒(TonyTaylor)说。

    Because we have sold a lot of properties to Chinese and Indian buyers we now recognise the significance placed on water in the home , says Tony Taylor , head of design at Octagon .

  30. 思考:设计的主宰&访天诺国际设计顾问设计总监孙建华

    Ponder : The Dominate of Design