
jì mínɡ zhī piào
  • order check;registered check;signed check
  1. 不记名支票,来人支票

    Cheque to bearer / check to bearer

  2. 记名支票,抬头支票,指定人支票

    Check to order / cheque to order

  3. 除非已有事先的安排,否则本行不会接纳经多次背书之记名支票或其他付款指示或票据。

    Multiple endorsements on to order cheques or other orders or instruments will not be accepted by the bank unless prior arrangements have been made .

  4. 车后座上,阿林加洛沙主教面带微笑,琢磨着还要等多久才能和导师交易,他的膝盖可以感受到公文包里无记名支票的分量。

    In the back seat , Bishop Aringarosa smiled , feeling the weight of the bearerbonds in the briefcase on his lap and wondering how long it would be before he and the Teachercould make the exchange .