
  • 网络Agenda
  1. 他们在会议开始时先浏览了一下议程安排。

    They ran through the agenda at the beginning of the meeting .

  2. 我们将取得胜利,因为我们没有议程安排。

    We 're going to win because we don 't have an agenda .

  3. 大会的议程安排得十分紧凑,而这主要是由于周一的热带风暴Issac的到来。

    This after postponing most of Monday 's events , because of tropical storm Issac .

  4. 首先我们进行介绍和议程安排。

    First we have the introductions and the agenda .

  5. 图论在会议议程安排中的一个应用

    Application of Graph Theory on Agenda Arrangement

  6. 问题在于防务是一个带有政治色彩的产业,而各国政府都有自己的议程安排。

    The problem is that defence is a politicised industry and governments have their own agendas .

  7. 请让我看下你起草的周一会议议程安排。

    Please let me see the draft of what you have put together for Monday 's meeting .

  8. 为了商讨或交换消息或讨论(尤指有议程安排的)提前安排的会议。

    A prearranged meeting for consultation or or exchange of information or discussion ( especially one with a formal agenda ) .

  9. 他欢迎星期天聚会的决定,如果南掸邦军有机会参加,他们将进一步研究会议议程安排。

    He welcomed the decision to meet on Sunday and said if his group had a chance to participate it would study the agenda .

  10. 我们包容性发展的目标已经迫使所有的政党重新修订他们的议程安排,他说,印度政府已经为东北部制定了特殊的计划。

    Our mantra of inclusive development has compelled all political parties to rework their agendas , he said , adding that his government has special plans for the Northeast .

  11. 麦克斯·布依克伏:是的,我看过这则报导了。看到这则报导后,我想说的是,企业领导人应该在我们这次调查数据的基础上,重新作出评估,至少在他们的议程安排上应该增添一些项目。

    Yes I am very , I am familiar with that report that came out and I would say within the report , business leaders could possibly reassess based on , based on our survey figures , that this may need to be something that 's up there , at least on their agenda .

  12. 用好议程设置这把双刃剑,媒介组织必须在议题的选择和议程的安排上,在报道议题的角度及倾向性方面慎重行事。

    To use this two - edged sword properly , the media enterprise has to act cautiously in choosing the topic , arrangement of agenda , and in the choice of proper angles of reporting and tendentiousness .