
  1. 以安全为核心的计算机信息系统集成的工程过程与过程管理

    Security Centered Engineering and Process Management for Computer Information System Integration

  2. 计算机信息系统集成标准体系初探

    A Discussion of the Computer Information System Integration Standards Architecture

  3. 计算机信息系统集成项目中如何进行范围管理

    How to Management Project Scope in IT Integrated Project

  4. 项目管理在计算机信息系统集成中的应用

    Project Management in Computer Information System Integration

  5. 分析我国计算机信息系统集成资质认证的特点、作用和存在弊端。

    In this paper , the position and function of the qualification certification is presented and analysed in detail .

  6. 以实事求是的观点在计算机信息系统集成项目建设中推广项目管理,提高项目建设的质量,节省项目建设时间与项目建设资金。

    It generalizes the project control in the computer information system in construction with the viewpoint basing on facts , improves quality , economizes the project time and funds .

  7. 论述了开展计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作的背景、意义,提出了我省计算机信息系统集成资质认证工作的程序和方法,解决了相关企业面临的有关问题。

    This article discusses the background and importance of carrying out computer information system integration ranked certification work , puts forward the sequence and method of computer information system integration ranked certification of our province , and solves some relevant questions the related bussiness faced .

  8. 本文对涉密信息系统的建设进行了初步探讨,介绍了2005年国家保密局颁布的《涉及国家秘密的计算机信息系统集成资质管理办法》相关内容。

    This paper explains the concept of some confidential information system , discusses preliminarily the construction of confidential information system , and introduces the related contents in the " Administrative Measures on Qualification of Integrating Computer Information System Involving State Secrets " promulgated by the State Secrecy Bureau in 2005 .

  9. 机场计算机综合信息系统集成技术

    The System Integration Techniques for the Airport Computer Comprehensive Information System

  10. 计算机网络信息系统集成与应用

    The computer network system integration and application

  11. 为了有效地将计算机信息系统的功能发挥到极致,将各种应用完整的集成到一起为人类服务,需要运用计算机信息系统集成技术,计算机信息系统集成企业由此应运而生。

    In order to effectively apply the computer information systems to maximize , integrate the various applications together to serve mankind , we need to use the computer information system integration technology , and then , computer information system integration enterprises comets to appear .