
jué sè zhī jué
  • role perception
  1. 因此,通过提升教师的角色知觉水平,有利于为克服教师的职业倦怠,促进教师的工作投入提供有益借鉴。

    Therefore , by increasing the level of role perception of teachers is beneficial to overcome the burnout of teachers , and promote job involvement of teachers provide a useful reference .

  2. 其中问卷内容分别参考由Rizzoetal.(1970)所编制的角色知觉量表和中科院心理研究所编制的工作满意度问卷。

    The content of questionnaires are respectively referred to role apperception questionnaire by Rizzo et al ( 1970 ) and questionnaire of job satisfaction by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  3. 饭店员工组织公民行为、角色知觉、工作压力的关系研究

    The Research on Hotel Employee : The Relationship of OCB , Role Realization and Work Stress

  4. 企业员工组织政治知觉及其影响后果的初步研究饭店员工组织公民行为、角色知觉、工作压力的关系研究

    Impact of Perception of Organizational Politics on Job Pressure , Job Satisfaction and Quitting Intention ; The Research on Hotel Employee : The Relationship of OCB , Role Realization and Work Stress

  5. 社会自我(socialself-concept)是个体对自己在社会生活中所担任的各种社会角色的知觉,包括对角色关系、角色地位、角色规范、角色技能和角色体验的认知和评价。

    Social-self-concept is the perceptions of one 's roles that he or she plays in his or her social life , including the cognition and evaluation of his or her role relation , role status , role norm , role-playing skill and role experience .

  6. 他用~扮演角色敏感和知觉。

    He plays the role with sensitivity and perception .

  7. 近些年来,随着教育改革的推行,社会对于教师角色提出了越来越高的要求,而教师角色知觉会通过影响其教育、教学行为而影响学校教育目标的有效性。

    In recent years , with the implementation of education reform , social roles for teachers , higher and higher demands , and perception of teacher role by affecting their education , teaching behavior to affect the effectiveness of the school educational goals .