
  1. 观音岩电站大坝运行期实测位移分析

    Analysis on Measuring Displacements of Dam of Guanyin ' yan Hydropower Station During Its Operating Period

  2. 左道可通观音岩,它因洞口有一组钟乳石酷似观音菩萨而得名。

    Guanyinyan heresy can pass it because of the hole like a group of stalactite named after Goddess of Mercy .

  3. 采用实测资料对纵向一维模型计算法和增温率法的计算结果进行比较,同时考虑到该河段现有资料的情况,选择了增温率法计算观音岩水库的入库水温。

    It shows that the longitudinal water temperature variation method conforms to the observed data and actual situation more than the longitudinal one dimensional model .

  4. 江津观音岩长江大桥为结合梁桥,为防止桥面板湿接缝在约束条件下产生裂缝,该桥面板湿接缝要求采用微膨胀混凝土,以补偿混凝土的收缩、徐变。

    In order to prevent the cracks that would be likely caused by restricted conditions of the wet-joint , the wet-joint demands using expansive concrete to compensate the shrinkage and creep .