
  • 网络Telefonica;Telefonica SA
  1. 微软目前正与沃达丰集团(VodafoneGroup)、日本电话电报公司(NTT)、西班牙电信(Telefonica)等20家全球性电信公司合作,将Office365捆绑到它们的通信服务中去。

    The company is partnering with about 20 international telecommunications companies including Vodafone group ( VOD ) , NTT ( NTT ) and Telefonica ( TEF ) to bundle office 365 with their communications offerings .

  2. 《时代》杂志同样接触了欧洲主要的运营商沃达丰、T-Mobile以及Telefonica-O2(由西班牙电信商收购)。

    TIME also contacted major European carriers Vodafone , T-Mobile and Telefonica O2 .

  3. 和记黄埔周二宣布,在与西班牙电信进行排他性讨论后,它已同意收购O2的条款。

    In an announcement on Tuesday , Hutchison Whampoa said it had agreed terms to acquire O2 following exclusive discussions with Telef ó nica .

  4. 周二晚,西班牙电信表示公司已达成最终协议,要把O2出售给和记黄埔。和记黄埔打算把O2与它自己的英国移动电话业务Three进行合并。

    On Tuesday evening , Telef ó nica said that it reached a definitive agreement to sell O2 to Hutchison Whampoa , which plans to combine the company with Three , its British cellphone business .

  5. 去年,WeFarm借助科技公司谷歌(Google)(通过谷歌ImpactChallenge)和西班牙电信(Telefónica)的创新孵化中心Wayra的50万英镑种子基金成立。

    It was launched last year with £ 500000 seed funding from tech company Google through the Google Impact Challenge , and Wayra , the incubation hub of Telef ó nica , a telecommunications company .

  6. 西班牙电信公司(Telefónica)利用一种独特的信任空间流程来评估公司的优势和机遇。

    Telef ó nica utilizes a unique Trust Spaces process to assess the company 's strengths and opportunity areas .

  7. 西班牙电信公司(Telefónica)利用一种独特的“信任空间”流程来评估公司的优势和机遇。

    Telef ó nica utilizes a unique " Trust Spaces " process to assess the company 's strengths and opportunity areas .

  8. 2012年,西班牙电信业巨头Telefónica为了削减债务,也将其持有的中国联通的股份减半。

    Telef ó nica , the Spanish telecommunications giant , halved its stake in China Unicom in 2012 to cut its debt .

  9. 预计将支持电子SIM卡计划的网络包括AT&T、德国电信(DeutscheTelekom)、Etisalat、和记黄埔(HutchisonWhampoa)、Orange、西班牙电信(Telefónica)和沃达丰(Vodafone)。

    Networks expected to support the plans include AT & T , Deutsche Telekom , Etisalat , Hutchison Whampoa , Orange , Telef ó nica and Vodafone .

  10. 西班牙电信与沃达丰达成的协议还将使双方共同的网络得以覆盖英国98%的人口,并帮助两家公司在今年晚些时候4G牌照招标之际建立起可提供4G服务的网络。

    That deal will also allow for their joint networks to cover 98 per cent of the UK population , and will help them build the network to launch 4G services when the licenses are tendered later this year .

  11. 西班牙电信(Telefónica)就是个不错的例子,正试图削减债务的该公司上周宣布,将以约10亿欧元出售所持中国移动运营商中国联通(ChinaUnicom)约10%股份中的近一半。

    A good example is Telef ó nica , which said last week that it would sell almost half of its 10 per cent stake in Chinese mobile operator China Unicom for about € 1bn as it tries to cut its debt .

  12. 和记黄埔(HutchisonWhampoa)最快将在周二上午敲定以近105亿英镑收购西班牙电信(Telefónica)旗下英国移动运营商O2的交易,缔造英国最大的移动通信网络。

    Hutchison Whampoa will finalise a deal to buy O2 in the UK from Spain 's Telef ó nica for close to £ 10.5bn to create Britain 's largest mobile network as early as Tuesday morning .

  13. 香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)的旗舰公司之一和记黄埔(HutchisonWhampoa)已经同意收购西班牙电信巨头西班牙电信(Telefónica)所有的英国移动电话运营商O2,此次交易的价值约为150亿美元(约合931亿元人民币)。

    Hutchison Whampoa , one of the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing 's flagship companies , has agreed to buy O2 , the British cellphone carrier owned by the Spanish telecommunications giant Telef ó nica , in a deal worth about $ 15 billion .

  14. 例如,德国监管机构一直努力阻止西班牙电信(Telefónica)德国子公司O2收购E-Plus,但遭到欧洲当局否决,欧洲当局此举开了先河,因为所涉母公司具有跨国性质。

    For instance , the German regulator fought hard to thwart the merger of Telef ó nica / O2 and E-Plus , but was overruled by the European authorities , which took the lead because of the supranational nature of the parent companies involved .

  15. 西班牙电信表示,将利用很大一部分出售所得减少债务。

    Telef ó nica said it would use a substantial part of the proceeds to reduce debt .

  16. 西班牙电信将在今后9个月期间在市场上购买中国联通股票。

    Telef ó nica will buy China Unicom shares in the market over the coming nine months .

  17. 中国电信集团同意用17.24欧元一股的价格购买西班牙电信的股票。

    The China group has agreed to pay ? 17.24 a share for its Telef ó nica stake .

  18. 报道称,中国留学生的行为在西班牙电信业造成恶劣影响。

    It was reported that the behavior of Chinese students in Spain made a disastrous impact on the telecommunications industry .

  19. 西班牙电信将在下一次股东会议上,提议任命一名中国联通的代表进入董事会。

    Telef ó nica will propose the appointment of a China Unicom representative to its board at the next shareholders ' meeting .

  20. 联通希望通过与西班牙电信不断增强的联盟关系,来打入拉美市场。中国正在拉美建立各种关系,以确保来自该地区的金属及油气供应。

    Unicom hopes to use its strengthening alliance with the Spanish group to enter Latin America , where China is forging relationships to secure supplies of metals and hydrocarbons .

  21. 员工需要完成三个题目:(1)如果你遇到有人希望在西班牙电信公司工作,你会对他/她说什么?

    In the activity , employees are asked to answer three prompts : ( 1 ) If you met someone who wanted to work at Telef ó nica , what would you say to him or her ?

  22. 在合并后的公司保留战略持股,将有助于西班牙电信在中国快速增长的无线市场中站稳脚跟。以用户计算,中国已是全球最大的无线市场。

    Retaining a strategic stake in the merged entity will help Telef ó nica to establish a foothold in China 's fast growing wireless market , which is already the world 's largest in terms of sub - scribers .

  23. 以市值计,西班牙电信是全球第三大电信集团。该公司昨日在一份监管申报文件中表示,将把所持联通股权从5.4%增持至略高于8%的水平。

    The Spanish company , the third-largest telecommunications group by market capitalisation , said in a regulatory filing yesterday that it would increase its holding in the Chinese operator to just above 8 per cent from 5.4 per cent .

  24. 西班牙电信在新闻稿中称,交易的完成还取决于相关监管部门的批准,以及获得改变控制条款所需的弃权证书等一些常规条件。

    Completion of the transaction is subject , among other usual conditions , to the approval of the applicable regulatory authorities and the obtaining of waivers to certain change of control provisions , Telef ó nica said in a news release .

  25. 联通与西班牙电信昨日表示,双方已达成协议,将建立广泛的战略联盟,包括在基础设施和设备采购、移动通信服务平台联合开发、向跨国客户提供服务、漫游以及研发方面展开合作。

    The companies said yesterday they had reached agreement on a broad strategic alliance that includes co-operation in infrastructure and equipment purchasing , joint development of mobile services platforms , the provision of services to multinational clients , roaming and research and development .

  26. 2001年,华为赢得了与西班牙和德国电信提供商的首批合同。

    In 2001 , Huawei won its first contracts with telecom providers in Spain and Germany .