
  1. 第二次逻辑东渐后,西方逻辑思想逐渐介绍到中国。

    After second logic east , western logical thought gradually introduced to China .

  2. 西方逻辑的输入与明末文化思潮

    The Import of Western Logic and Cultural Trends of the Late Ming Dynasty

  3. 中国的逻辑只有吸收西方逻辑的长处才能得到新的发展。

    Only when China takes in the advantages of the Western logic can its logic develop in a new way .

  4. 明末西方逻辑的输入是中西文化第一次碰撞的产物。

    It was as the result of Sino_Westernculture communication that the western logic was transmitted into China during the late Ming Dynasty .

  5. 在这之后,汉传因明吸收了西方逻辑的新的思想元素,走上了现代化之路。

    After this , Chinese Hetuvidy ā absorbed by the Western logic of the new ideological elements and embarked on a modernization path .

  6. 他的著作在西方逻辑论文以及著作中被反复提及和引用,然而国内关于杜齐的研究还是一片空白。

    His writings have been repeatedly mentioned in the papers and writings of Western logic and reference , however , Tucci is a blank in China .

  7. 在这一过程中,西方逻辑方法以其特有的科学基础与思维形态进入启蒙思想家的视野。

    In this process , western logical method by virtue of its special scientific foundation and thought form comes into the vision of the thinkers of the Enlightenment .

  8. 中国西方逻辑的研究有两次引入,二次断层,西方逻辑的发展则有三次高峰,一次断层。

    There are two introductions and two interruptions in the study of western logic in China . The development of western logic has three peaks and one interruption .

  9. 本文依循西方逻辑史的演进来研究逻辑语言从半形式化语言到形式化语言的发展。

    Based on the development of History of Western Logic , my thesis studies the development of logical language from the half formal language to the absolute formal language .

  10. 他把逻辑分为四种不同的类型,分析了每一种逻辑的特点,来源,对它们之间的相互关系进行了阐述,并指出中国逻辑和西方逻辑分属不同的逻辑类型。

    He compartmentalized logic to four types , analyze every type 's characteristic , origin and their mutual relations and pointed out Chinese logic and western logic were different types .

  11. 中国逻辑、印度因明和西方逻辑是世界三大逻辑流派,要分析这三者之间的同异就要运用比较的方法进行研究。

    Chinese logic , India logic and Western logic is three logic schools in the world , if we analyze their common points and uncommon points , we should use comparative method .

  12. 所谓中国逻辑,指中国古代逻辑,换句话说,就是指以亚里士多德逻辑为传统的西方逻辑传入中国之前的,未受其影响的中国传统逻辑。

    The so-called Chinese Logic refers to ancient Chinese Logic . In other words , it is the traditional Chinese Logic which was not influenced from the western Logic composed mainly by Aristotelian Logic .

  13. 中国古代画论的逻辑结构与西方逻辑思维是不同的,它与中国传统哲学有着密切关联,有的哲学范畴直接被用于画论阐述。

    The logistic configuration of Chinese ancient painterly theory is different from western logistic thinking , it has consanguineous relating to Chinese traditional philosophy , some philosophic categories were expounded straightly in painterly theory .

  14. 19世纪以来的中国逻辑史研究,比照西方逻辑,仅仅将先秦的名辩学看成是中国逻辑史的主要部分。

    Since the 19th century , the studies of Chinese logic history , comparing with western logic , only consider the logicians ' learning of the pre-Qin times the main body in the Chinese logic history .

  15. 在中国近代文化革新的进程中,西方逻辑方法的中国化特征十分鲜明,并由此承载了中国近代吸纳西方文化、融入世界文化大潮的双重任务。

    In the process of modern Chinese cultural reform , western logical method embodies so many Chinese characteristics , and at the same time it undertakes the two tasks & assimilating western culture into modern China and integrating Chinese culture with the trend of culture of the world .

  16. 风骨研究和西方思想逻辑

    Studies of Vigorous Styles and Western Thinking Logic

  17. 西方传统逻辑讲谬误,主要指形式谬误;中国古代逻辑讲谬误,主要指实质谬误。

    Fallacies refer to formal fallacies in the western logic theories while in ancient China factual ones .

  18. 而中国逻辑与西方亚里士多德逻辑既有共通性、也有特殊性。

    Compared with the West Aristotle logic , Chinese logic shares some commonalities and also has its features .

  19. 此外,古代画论中的判断是多相式的,不同于西方形式逻辑单项式和多值判断。

    The judgement in ancient painterly theory has several forms , being differ form single form in western logic .

  20. 西方的逻辑理性与东方的直观悟性是两种既对立又统一的认识世界的基本方式。

    The Western logical reason and Eastern perception understanding are two basic ways of knowing world which are unity of opposites .

  21. 比较二者的同异,有利于进一步认识中西方古代逻辑的相同本质和不同特点。

    Comparing between their identities and differences , which is further advantageous to understand the identical nature and different characteristics of ancient logic in China and the West .

  22. 古印度的因明不等同于古希腊的三段论,以墨家逻辑为代表的中国古代逻辑也不应是西方传统逻辑的复制品。

    The reasoning theory of ancient India is not the same as the syllogism of ancient Greece . Neither is the ancient Chinese logic with the Mos ' as the representative a copy of the Western traditional one .

  23. 另一方面,他又运用西方的逻辑方法和理性思维,跳出中国文学传统的窠臼来发表议论,打破中国研究者固有的思维习惯,上升到理论高度将一些术语解释得更加清晰。

    On the other hand , he went beyond the Chinese literature tradition by using the western logical analysis and rational thinking . That breaks the stereotyped way of Chinese researchers , making the terms easier to understand on the theoretical plane .

  24. 这种更多地包含比附的研究方法,虽然有益于挖掘我国古代与西方传统逻辑相似的史料,但是却容易出现牵强附会、机械类比的现象。

    This research methods which more include analyzing , Although the benefit is that can found the similar historical data of the traditional logic between ancient China and the West , but is prone to the phenomenon of the far-fetched , mechanical analogy .

  25. 基于形式语义学类型论语法的句法语义分析是一种新的思想,引进西方现代逻辑语法学理论却又不拘泥于此,比基于规则的限于句法的分析更适合对汉语进行操作。

    It is a new idea that syntax and semantics analysis based on type grammar of formal semantic . It introduces western modern logic grammar theory , but it is not limited to this . It is more suitable for operation on Chinese than rule-based limited syntactic analysis .

  26. 于是,西方的政治逻辑发生了古今之变。

    At last , the western political logic occurred the transformation from the ancient to modern .

  27. 经济学的理论分野与中国主流经济学的创新&兼论马克思主义经济学与西方经济学的逻辑关系

    The Divergence Of Economics And The Innovation Of China 's Mainstream Economics & And On The Logistic Relation Between Marxism Economics And Western Economics

  28. 中国一些学者纷纷学习西方先进的逻辑思想,当时盛行一种观点,方法救国。

    Some Chinese scholars began to study western advanced logic thought , when a point of view was popular that methods can save the nation .

  29. 中国古代画论中同样存在类似判断、推理等逻辑形态,但它不同于西方的形式逻辑。

    The logistic form of resemble judgement 、 discursion were also into the Chinese ancient painterly theory , but it 's different from western formal logic .

  30. 西方理性的逻辑的概念思维方式是实现现代化所必须的,但其异化形态如唯科学主义等也带来严重的负面效应。

    Western thinking mode with rational and logical concepts is essential to modernization , but its alienation such as scientism and so on has serious negative effects .