
  • 网络A History of western society
  1. 这么说,如果我要找一本《西方社会史》的话,就在“A”的分类下找。

    So if I 'm looking for a look called A History of Western Society , I 'd just look under " A " .

  2. 西方社会学史上的几个标志性时代

    On the Five Marked Epochs in the History of Western Sociology

  3. 西方医学社会史发展述论

    On the Development of Social History of Medicine

  4. 霍曼斯的交换理论在西方社会思想史上处于承前启后地位,成为经济社会学理性选择理论的重要来源。

    Homans ' exchange theory serves as a link between past and future in the history of western social thoughts .

  5. 公共健康史研究是西方医学社会史研究中的重要分支,是伴随着公共健康事业的发展而兴起的。

    The study of public health history , bound to follow the development of public health facilities , is an important branch among all the studies of western social history of medicine .

  6. 人文的和整体的历史:西方经济&社会史初论

    Humanist and Integrated History : Western Economic and Social History

  7. 当代西方新社会文化史述论

    On Contemporary New History of Social Cultures in the West

  8. 本文结合西方社会和思想史进程,描述了大学观念的知识论基础的三个发展阶段。

    This article discusses three phases in the development of the idea of a university in the context of the history of thought and of western society .

  9. 从三个方面对西方社会学发展史上三位经典社会学家的主要的社会学思想进行较为深入的比较,希图通过这种比较来揭示西方社会学思想发展的内在逻辑与理论脉络。

    This article compares the main sociological thoughts of three classical sociologists in the history of Western Sociological development from three aspects more thoroughly , and tries to bring to light the internal logic and theoretical thread of Western Sociological Thoughts ' development through this kind of comparison .

  10. 在中国社会文化史刚刚起步阶段,西方的社会文化史却已是昨日黄花,社会文化史面临建构主义的批评、文化概念的宽泛、历史研究的碎片化等制约。

    At the initial stage of the Chinese social culture history , that in the west was already the flower of yesterday . Social culture history encountered many restricts , such as criticism of the constructivism , broad culture concept , and " fragmentation " of history study .