
bèi xuǎn jǔ quán
  • the right to be elected;eligibility for election
被选举权 [bèi xuǎn jǔ quán]
  • [eligibility for election;right to be elected] 当选为代表或担任一定职务的权利

被选举权[bèi xuǎn jǔ quán]
  1. 从历史发展与权利的权能分析来看,被选举权的性质有别于参政权的其他权利,如选举权及担任公职权。

    Analysis on its origin and its power and functions shows that , the right to be elected is different from the other political rights , such as the voting right and the right of taking governmental positions .

  2. 选举权和被选举权。

    The right to vote and the right to be elected .

  3. 妇女享有同男子平等的选举权和被选举权。

    Like men , woman have the right to elect and to be elected .

  4. 在中国,凡年满18岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。

    In China , every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to vote and stand for election .

  5. 可我怀疑法国女人有没有选举和被选举权。

    But I doubt French women will ever get the vote .

  6. (一)选举权和被选举权;

    The right to vote and to stand for election ;

  7. 行使表决权、选举权,有被选举权。

    To participate in voting and elections and to stand for election .

  8. 妇女享有同男子平等的选举权和被选举权。

    Like men , they have the right to elect and to be elected .

  9. 在周四的市政选举投票中,沙特阿拉伯男性才有选举权和被选举权。

    Only Saudi men were allowed to stand and vote in Thursday 's municipal elections .

  10. 宪法规定妇女和男子一样,有同等的选举权和被选举权。

    The Constitution stipulates that women shall have equal rights with men in voting and being elected .

  11. 论我国被选举权资格条件的限制及其设定

    On the Limit to the Qualification Constitution of the Right to be Elected in our Country and its Enactment

  12. 党员在留党察看期间没有表决权、选举权和被选举权。

    During that period , the Party member concerned has no right to participate in voting or elections or stand for election .

  13. 目前,中国有99.97%的18岁以上的公民享有选举权和被选举权。

    At present , 99.97 percent of China 's citizens aged 18 or above enjoy the right to vote and stand for election .

  14. 诸如:各民族公民不分民族、种族、宗教信仰,都同样地享有选举权和被选举权;

    For instance , they have the rights to vote and stand for election , regardless of ethnic status , race and religious belief ;

  15. 1957年,仅在允许妇女被选举权后一年,埃及有了其首位女议员,也是阿拉伯世界首位女议员。

    In1957 Egypt became the first country in the Arab world to elect a woman to parliament , having allowed votes for women only the year before .

  16. 本文认为,拥有选举权和被选举权与具有选民资格不是一回事情;

    The viewpoint of the paper is that the ownership of voting rights and the rights of being selected is different from the possession of voters qualification ;

  17. 农民工群体在城市边缘化的生存,使他们的选举权和被选举权等基本政治权利难以得到有效保障;

    The marginalized livelihood of peasants-workers in the cities makes them hard to safeguard their essential political rights such as the right to elect and to be elected .

  18. 年满18周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、宗教信仰,都有选举权和被选举权;

    Citizens who have reached the age of18 have the right to vote and stand for election , regardless of ethnic status , race , sex or religious belief ;

  19. 第二十六条香港特别行政区永久性居民依法享有选举权和被选举权。

    Article 26 Permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have the right to vote and the right to stand for election in accordance with law .

  20. 沙特禁止女性驾车,要求她们在隔离的设施中工作,且直到最近才允许她们在地方选举中享受选举权与被选举权。

    Saudi Arabia prohibits women from driving ; they must also work in segregated facilities , and were only recently granted the right to vote and run in municipal elections .

  21. 妇女有权通过各种途径和形式,管理国家和社会事务,并享有平等的选举权和被选举权。

    Women have the right , through various channels and in various ways , to administer state and social affairs , and enjoy equal rights to vote and stand for election .

  22. 女性在1906年就拥有与男性同等的政治权力,有选举权和被选举权,时间上只比纽西兰稍晚。

    As of 1906 , women in Finland had political rights equal to men , able to both vote and stand for election , Finland being only a short step in time behind New Zealand in that regard .

  23. 它表现为两个层面:一是指妇女享有参与国家政治生活的权利,即享有公民的选举权与被选举权,这是妇女参政的基础层面;

    It reflects two respects : Firstly , it refers to women 's participation in political life in the country , namely , having the right to vote and to stand for election . This is the basic respect .

  24. 有选举权和被选举权的年满四十五周岁的中华人民共和国公民可以被选为中华人民共和国主席、副主席。

    Citizens of the People 's Republic of China who have the right to vote and to stand for election and who have reached the age of 45 are eligible for election as President or Vice-President of the People 's Republic of China .

  25. 同时国家机关要依法行政,畅通人民行使选举与被选举权的道路,完善监督机制,创新干部选拔任用体制等等,都严格按照法律程序来实行。

    State organs at the same time to administration by law , the exercise of the election and be elected smooth roads , improve the supervision mechanism , innovative cadre selection and appointment system and so on , all in strict accordance with legal procedures to implement .

  26. 他们应该首先被取消选举权。

    There should be no vote in the first place .

  27. 那时妇女被拒给选举权。

    Women were then denied the right to vote .

  28. 此外可能更为重要的是,赛立夫没有能驱散许多利比亚本地人所遭受的被剥夺选举权的失落感。

    Perhaps more importantly , Ms Johnson Sirleaf has not been able to dispel the sense of disenfranchisement felt by many indigenous Liberians .

  29. 两方各自阶级固化且人数不断增加的社会底层人士,包括大部分被剥夺选举权的逊尼派自由军,以及占了国家大多数人口的贫穷的阿拉维教徒,他们承担了战争的苦果。

    A hardened and increasingly sectarian underclass on each side - disenfranchised mainly Sunni rebels and the regime 's mainly poor Alawites - is bearing the brunt of the battle .

  30. 尽管美国的选举程序将继续引发争论,但选举权法案仍然是一项重要立法,它确保居民不因种族,肤色和残疾而被剥夺选举权。

    Though the voting process in America continues to spark debate , the voting rights act remains a significant piece of legislation , guaranteeing that no citizen will be denied the right to vote on account of race , color , or disability .