
  • 网络Respondents;interviewee
  1. 埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)最近发布的一份调查显示,75%的被访者经常或偶尔在带薪休假期间工作。

    A survey released last week by the consulting firm Accenture found 75 % of respondents work frequently or occasionally during paid time off .

  2. 在65个被访者当中,有45人选择魔术师约翰逊为湖人队史最佳球员。

    Of the 65 respondents , 45 said Magic Johnson was the greatest Laker ever .

  3. 男被访者我买CD,DVD和VCD,像是买衣服一样,你知道,就像买T恤一样。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE I bought CDs , DVDs , VCDs and just like clothes , you know , T-shirts .

  4. 应用Kish表入户抽样被访者年龄结构扭曲问题研究

    Age Structure Distorted Problem of Applying Kish Table for the Household Interview

  5. 事实上,无论被访者属于25~34岁、35~44岁还是45岁以上年龄组,Facebook的排名均落后于平面广告、客户服务短消息以及电子邮件新闻信等方式。

    In fact , Facebook ranked lower than the print ad , customer service instant messaging and the email newsletter , whether the demographic surveyed was 25-34 , 35-44 , or 45-plus .

  6. 美国哥伦比亚广播公司CBS和《纽约时报》上个星期在进行民意调查时,问选民在决定挑选下一届总统时,他们最关注什么问题,40%的被访者回答说,经济问题和工作机会。

    A public opinion poll by CBS News and The New York Times this past week asked voters what is the most important thing for them in deciding the next president . Forty percent said the economy and jobs .

  7. 男被访者看起来大约十分之一的计算机装有Gator,还有另外十分之一的计算机装有类似的程序。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE It seems that about one out of ten computers has Gator , another one out of ten might have another program that 's similar .

  8. 薪资增幅排名前十的EMBA课程中,有8个课程的授课是全部或部分在欧洲进行的。去年,《金融时报》EMBA报告是根据被访者的年龄划分进行分析的。

    Eight of the top 10 programmes for salary increase are wholly or partially based in Europe . Last year , the Financial Times EMBA report presented analysis of trends in the data according to the age of the respondent .

  9. 男被访者它们被刺网捕获。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE They get caught up in the gill nets .

  10. 男被访者它动得太快,我眼睛都看不过来了。

    Unidentified male it moves faster than the eye can see .

  11. 男被访者我是说这简直是一场完美电流风暴。

    An unidentified man I mean it was the perfect electric storm .

  12. 四是如何更好理解被访者;

    The fourth is how to understand the object of interview betterly ;

  13. 结果63.5%的被访者愿意去心理咨询;

    Results 63.5 % freshman would like to take counsel .

  14. 女被访者是啊,我想是这样的。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Yeah , I think that 's right .

  15. 男被访者今晚更多的地方得轮流停电了。

    An unidentified man more rolling blackouts are possible tonight .

  16. 女被访者精彩极了,除此以外没有什么能够形容他。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Amazing . No other words for him .

  17. 女被访者我不认为这样。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE No , I don 't think so .

  18. 男被访者它相当于一个双向寻呼网络。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE It 's the equivalent of a two-way paging network .

  19. 女被访者起身时吸气,下蹲时呼气。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Upward as you inhale , and downward as you exhale .

  20. 这个问题令许多被访者措手不及。

    The question has caught many interviewees off guard .

  21. 女被访者不要给他任何提示。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Don 't give him any hints .

  22. 男被访者火星的天气对于在那里降落遥控车至关重要。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE The weather on Mars matters for landing robotic vehicles there .

  23. 把年组别读给被访者拣选。

    Read out the age groups to the respondent .

  24. 女被访者我认为它容易让人上瘾。

    Unidentified female I think there is an addiction .

  25. 女被访者也许他应该不用除臭剂?

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE Maybe he should go without deodorant ?

  26. 男被访者海狮的数量没有恢复。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE Sea lion numbers have not recovered .

  27. 女被访者请站在安全警戒线以外。

    Please stay out of the security bubble .

  28. 百分之三十七的被访者表示已决定投票给哪位候选人。

    Thirty seven per cent said they had already decided who to vote for .

  29. 女被访者这是我的70岁生日。

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE This is my 70th birthday .

  30. 男被访者哦,它真够大个的。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE Oh , it 's huge .