- 网络Be Consumed;consume;consumed consumers

Transport protocol : data services could be consumed via reliable ( such as JMS via MQ Series ) or unreliable transport messaging protocols ( such as HTTP ) .
What the mass media offers is not popular art , but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food , forgotten , and replaced by a new dish . - W.
They are divorced from beauty in the context of consumption .
These things also are wealth until they have been consumed .
Fast fiction is like fast food ; its easily consumed and easily forgotten .
Computing environment : data services could be consumed from a plethora of platforms .
Used , Abandoned , and Conquered : Chinese Females in American Films Featuring Inter-Racial Romances
The reality of your bank account will prevent you from succumbing to shopping excitement .
Unless the confidence in Wall Street returns , Americans won'thave enough money to spend .
The stock bought is to be re-sold at a higher price , not to be consumed .
Service description , contract and policy building blocks appear in models that show how services are consumed .
Baudrillard thinks that leisure in consumer society has become cultural signs and an object to been consumed .
Belle culture is a visual , and consumer-oriented media culture , also an entertainment element in TV ;
If everybody is eating California Roll , they can see that they 'll run out soon and make more .
The outdoor advertisement was surround by the consuming culture , so it should be influenced and controlled by the consuming culture too .
After events from the queue are consumed , they are put into a holding area where they build a set of related events .
some plants will have their own genes tweaked rather than foreign genes added , which should make them more acceptable to consumer activists .
All of the service operations have methods that indicate how the services are actually carried out and how the consumed services are actually used .
The worst of all is that art , originally independent from others , irreversibly becomes a consuming item in the process of mass production .
This is , of course , set against the fixed supply of each investment grade vintage , which then decreases as it matures and is consumed .
Virtualized physical resources , virtualized infrastructure , as well as virtualized middleware platforms and business applications are being provided and consumed as services in the Cloud .
Services are useful only insofar as they are consumed , and so the best way of specifying their usefulness is to describe what consumers expect of them .
In the tide that literature is consumed and commercialized , the pure literature journal is the literature lovers ' spirit highlands that shining spark of literary dream .
The contemporary society has show a lot of typical characteristics of consumer society , meanwhile the sign-value has been becoming an important object in consumption beside the use value .
As these services are received , however , the cost of the truck gradually is removed from the balance sheet and allocated to expense , through the process called " depreciation " .
The symbol consumption , especially that of the private cars becomes more and more popular in China 's consuming market . Such phenomenon also leads to a series of social problems , which meanwhile calls all circles ' attention to it .
The author believes that trade dress can be defined as : trade dress can be identified consumer groups and give them a special visual experience , carrying the products or services value to the internal culture and the overall image of the appearance of significant features of commodity combinations .
Fashion Trend Element ( FTE ) is the design elements which would be widely accepted by the target consumers in the certain time and area in future , which represents the potential future market demand .
Since consumers are problem solvers with bounded rationality , IDB is fitted for the studies of consumer behavior .
The nature of women depended on taste of the mess .